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RadioTraffic 101 - Accounts

Modified: 2014/05/05 10:46 by admin - Uncategorized

RadioTraffic.com 101



User Accounts

Use the accounts file to provide us with a list of the individual users of the system.

The following instructions are assuming you are using Microsoft Excel; however, any editor can be used as long as the integrity of the comma-separated values list is maintained.



The first line of the file contains the column headers. (Note: Do not modify this line.)

Starting with line two, you can add entries as needed. Each line represents an individual account. Some columns are required while others are optional.

By default, the second line contains an example line, this line should be removed after this tutorial.


Required Columns

The following columns are required:

  • First Name
    The first name of the person this account is intended.
  • Last Name
    The last name of the person this account is intended.
  • User Name
    The user name (account identifier, login, etc.) of the person this account is intended.
  • Password
    The password that will be used to login to the system for the person this account is intended.

In order to configure any user accounts, the above columns are required.


Optional Columns

The following columns are optional:

  • Email
    The email address for the person this account is intended.
  • Role
    What role in the system does this person hold. See below.
  • Commission
    If a sales person, what is their default sales commission (percentage).



The Role column is a special column that only supports a specific set of values:


  • Administrator
    The super-user of the system. It is our recommendation that only one account should have this role.
  • Administrator Assistant
    Provides access to all things related to "Traffic" and "Billing" and the necessary permissions to perform all related normal day-to-day tasks as well as a few "safe" administration capabilities above and beyond those afforded to the Traffic Manager and Billing Manager roles.
  • Traffic Manager
    Provides access to all things related to "Traffic" and the necessary permissions to perform all related normal day-to-day tasks.
  • Traffic Assistant
    This is a "read-only" role that has access to all things related to "Traffic". The account provides the ability to fully use all the features available in the software; however, they are unable to affect any permanent change to the data.
  • Billing Manager (★ Introduced in Premier 2014.)
    Provides access to all things related to "Billing" and the necessary permissions to perform all related normal day-to-day tasks.
  • Billing Assistant
    This is a "read-only" role that has access to all things related to "Billing". The account provides the ability to fully use all the features available in the software; however, they are unable to affect any permanent change to the data.
  • Sales Manager
    Available as part of the SalesAddOn.
  • Sales
    Available as part of the SalesAddOn.


  • Administrator
    The super-user of the system. It is our recommendation that only one account should have this role.
  • Administrator Assistant
    Provides access to all things related to "Traffic" and "Billing" and the necessary permissions to perform all related normal day-to-day tasks as well as a few "safe" administration capabilities above and beyond those afforded to the Traffic Manager and Billing Manager roles.
  • Traffic Manager
    Provides access to all things related to "Traffic" and the necessary permissions to perform all related normal day-to-day tasks.
  • Billing Manager
    Provides access to all things related to "Billing" and the necessary permissions to perform all related normal day-to-day tasks.


  • Group Administrator
    The super-user of the system. Only one account should have this role.
  • Administrator
    The ability to do nearly everything in the system.
  • Traffic Manager
    Ability to do all normal activities related to traffic and billing.
  • Accounting Manager
    Ability to do all normal activities related to billing.

Note: Not all roles and features are available in every level of the product.





John Doe is a traffic person who has an email address of support@radiotraffic.com.

  • In the First Name column, enter John.
  • In the Last Name column, enter Doe.
  • In the User Name column, enter a unique user name for this account that will be easy to remember, such as John.Doe. (Don't worry too much about keeping it short; the client software is capable of remembering the account name and password. So the main thing is to make sure it's easy to remember.)
  • In the Password column, enter a unique password for this account that will both be easy to remember yet really represent a true password. Passwords such as 1234, password, same as the user name or other simple and common words are not recommended. We encourage you to use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation characters as part of each password.
  • In the Email column, enter support@radiotraffic.com (Note: This is the actual email address of the account being created.).
  • For the Role column, make sure you use only one of the valid roles defined above. In this case, enter Traffic Manager.

Be sure to save the file and send the file via email to support.

As soon as we receive this file, we can configure your user accounts so you can progress on to the next step.