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RadioTraffic.com 101 - Balances

Modified: 2014/05/05 11:05 by admin - Uncategorized

RadioTraffic.com 101




We have the ability to batch import balances using the Balances (CSV) file. This allows you to use an external tool such as Microsoft Excel to create a big list of balances and associated information. This work can easily be segmented across multiple people in an effort to get fast-tracked in starting up with RadioTraffic.com.

Note: It is critical that the information entered is checked for any and all errors.


File Format

The file should be formatted so that the first row contains the column names and the following rows contains the associated data for each column. Each row (starting at row two) should be a single balance entry.



The following columns are required:

  • Customer
    The Customer name as exists in the system (exact spelling and punctuation).
  • Station
    The Station call letters as exists in the system.
  • Amount
    The dollar amount of the balance entry.

By providing the above information, an Invoice will be created for each entry. All other values, if not provided as an Optional field, will be set to the Customers configured settings, where appropriate.



The following columns are optional (however, highly recommended):

  • Billing Date
    If provided, will set the created Invoice billing date to this value. This will allow the system to provide aging information.
  • Invoice Number
    If provided, will be included as part of the created Invoice note for your tracking purposes.
  • Revenue Source
    If provided, will attempt to match up with an existing RevenueSource; otherwise, one will be created.
  • Revenue Type
    If provided, will attempt to match up with an existing RevenueType; otherwise, one will be created.
  • Sales Person
    If provided, will attempt to match up with an existing SalesPerson; otherwise, one will be created. Must be in the format of first and last name.
  • Agency
    If provided, will attempt to match up with an existing Agency; otherwise, one will be created.
  • Payment Amount
    If provided, a payment will be created and automatically applied to the created Invoice.
  • Payment Date
    If Payment Amount is used, this field is required and will be used to create the associated payment.
  • Note
    If provided, will be combined with the optional Invoice Number to create a note as part of the created Invoice.

It is critical that this file is verified prior to import; otherwise, the result may not be what was desired.



Editing Back Balances using Excel with Advanced Features (Macro).