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Software and services for the radio industry.

Agencies (XP)

Modified: 2014/04/27 13:12 by admin - Uncategorized

Agencies (XP)

The agencies window shows you a list of all Agency items entered into the system. It can be accessed from Administration.


This window is MyViews enabled.


Main Menu

  • File
    • New
      Create a new Agency.
    • Open
      Open an existing Agency.
    • Export
      Exports the existing list (view) to one of several electronic documents.
    • Print
      Prints the list (view).
    • Print Preview
      Print previews the list (view).
  • View
    • Reset
      Resets any changes made using MyViews to the current view to their "factory-original" state.



Is there a way I can set up a Customer with the RevenueSource of "Regional Agency Net" to always be 0% AgencyCommission or do I just have to manually do it within each Order?

  • You can set up an AgencyCommission type of that and attach it to the Agency then when the Agency gets attached to the Customer it will show as zero %.
  • Go to the Invoice right click and open the Invoice then go down to the line items and right click on each one and open and change the rates. If you need the Revenue Projection report to show the correct rates, you can go to the Order, open the line item, use the main menu Options->Correction Mode and change the rate there also.

How do I fix the rate on Order that has aired and been reconciled, but hasn't been billed yet?

See above.

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