V14 Native Traffic Reconciliation Specification (last modified on 6/5/2006) Required Column Length Field Notes 1 8 Actual Start Time HR:MN:SS 9 1 " " 10 5 Actual Runtime MN:SC 15 2 " " 17 3 Edit Code ### - " 7", " 56", ... (see codes below) 20 1 " " 21 3 Discrepancy Code ### - " 56", "165", ... (see codes below) 24 1 " " 25 1 Commercial Indicator "C" 26 7 Start Time HRMN:SC, MILITARY HOUR 33 15 Spot ID (aka "Cart Number") 48 24 Spot Title 72 3 Priority Number 75 4 Length MNSC 79 4 Commercial Type 83 6 Customer ID 89 2 Internal Code 91 4 Product Code 95 8 Ordered Time 103 24 Sponsor1 Sponsor's Name for text matching with SpotDB 127 24 Sponsor2 " " " 151 24 Comment 175 8 Start Date MM/DD/YY 183 5 Start Time HR:MN 188 8 Stop Date MM/DD/YY 196 5 Stop Time HR:MN 201 8 Kill Date MM/DD/YY 209 15 Product1 Product's Name for text matching with SpotDB 224 15 Product2 " " " 239 1 is Live? 'Y' or 'N' 240 1 is External? 'Y' or 'N' 241 2 CBSI Stopset number '01', '02', ... 243 35 Native-Specific Manual field configuration to view in logedit 278 1 Carriage Return 279 1 Line Feed NOTES: - All fields are left justified except Edit Code and Discrepancy Code - The filename will be the same as the original traffic filename, with .REC appended. - EDIT CODES (cols. 17-19): 1 "Dropped by MC to make exact time." 2 "Added by MC to fill to exact time." 3 "Skipped over in MC by operator." 4 "Juggled in MC by operator." 5 "Juggled." 6 "Replaced via Same Kind." 7 "Moved." 8 "Inserted." 9 "Skipped by MC during startup since system time greater than air time." 10 "Live element skipped by MC in automation or satellite mode." 11 "External element skipped by MC in automation or satellite mode." 12 "Skipped by MC in response to go to current time command." 13 "Replaced via Onefer on Artist/Sponsor." 14 "Inserted via Paste." 15 "Unscheduled." 16 "Set to Skip 'Yes'." 17 "Replaced from Same Category/Level." 18 "Replaced from Different Category/Level." 19 "Replaced via Category Class." 20 "Replaced via Saved Browse." 21 "Replaced via Theme." 22 "Replaced via Browse Request." 23 "Replaced via Anniversary Note." 24 "Replaced via Onefer on Title." 25 "Replaced via Onefer on Album Title." 26 "Replaced via Onefer on Peak Year." 27 "Replaced via Onefer on Theme." 28 "Replaced via Twofer on Artist/Sponsor." 29 "Replaced via Twofer on Title." 30 "Replaced via Twofer on Album Title." 31 "Replaced via Twofer on Peak Year." 32 "Replaced via Twofer on Theme." 33 "Replaced via Twofer on Category/Level." 34 "Inserted Unscheduled Position." 35 "Inserted via Category/Level." 36 "Inserted via Category Class." 37 "Inserted via Saved Browse." 38 "Inserted via Browse Request." 39 "Inserted via Theme." 40 "Inserted via Anniversary Note." 41 "Inserted via Twofer on Artist/Sponsor." 42 "Inserted via Twofer on Title." 43 "Inserted via Twofer on Album Title." 44 "Inserted via Twofer on Peak Year." 45 "Inserted via Twofer on Theme." 46 "Inserted via Twofer on Category/Level." 47 "Simulcast." 48 "Repeated." 49 "Duplicated." 50 "Inserted Voice Track." 51 "Deleted or Replaced with another spot." 52 "Skipped over by MC due to end of Satellite Closure Window." 53 "Skipped by MC in response to Synchronize command." 54 "A Studio Switch occurred but this item is assumed to have completed." 55 "XML Interface" 56 "Skipped over by MC due to Synchronize to Nearest ETM command." 57 "Skipped by MC due to end of Satellite Closure Window. ETM Time Stretch will not occur." 58 "Skipped by MC due to Synchronize to Nearest ETM command. ETM Time Stretch will not occur." 59 "Skipped in MC by operator. ETM Time Stretch will not occur." 60 "Dropped by MC to make exact time. ETM Time Stretch will not occur." 61 "Skipped by MC during startup since system time greater than air time. ETM Time Stretch will not occur." 62 "Skipped by MC in response to go to current time command. ETM Time Stretch will not occur." 63 "Skipped by MC in response to Synchronize command. ETM Time Stretch will not occur." - DISCREPENCY CODES (cols. 21-23): 20 "Element in V12 log not in V14 database, created element." 25 "Runtime difference between V12 runtime and V14 runtime." 30 "Intros out of sequence." 35 "Intro 1 is after next-to-play or trim end." 40 "Intro 2 is after next-to-play or trim end." 45 "Intro 3 is after next-to-play or trim end." 50 "Hook end before hook start." 55 "Hook start is after next-to-play or trim end." 60 "Hook end is after next-to-play or trim end." 65 "Next-to-play before early next-to-play." 70 "Early next-to-play before trim end." 75 "Next-to-play after trim end." 80 "Program element runtime different than audio runtime." 85 "Stop date is less than today's date." 90 "Kill date is less than today's date." 130 "Log time is less than start time." 135 "Log time is greater than stop time." 140 "Log date/time is less than start date/time." 145 "Log date/time is greater than stop date/time." 150 "No stop date and log date greater than or equal to kill date." 155 "Trim end less than or equal (0:00 runtime) to trim start." 160 "No note (Live set to 'Yes')." 165 "Audio file is missing (External set to 'No')." 170 "Problem(s) in spot group sequence." 175 "No valid spots in spot group rotation." 180 "No audio filename (External set to 'No')." 185 "Audio file is corrupt." 186 "Audio file is in the wrong format." 190 "No log for ~DATE~." 195 "Spot daypart restricted out of this time." 201 "Faded out early for hard exact time." 202 "Actual runtime shorter than runtime." 203 "Stopped by NEXT control." 204 "Stopped by STEP control." 205 "Stopped by STOP control." 206 "Stopped due to event errror from stream handler." 207 "Stopped due to stall error from stream handler." 208 "Stopped due to reverse error from stream handler." 209 "Stopped due to bad position error from stream handler." 210 "Stopped due to sequencer needing channel." 211 "Stopped due to exiting of sequencer." 212 "Failed to start playing." 213 "Stopped due to Satellite Window Ending." 214 "Stopped due to Start Break command." 215 "Runtime short due to segue and/or fade edit." 216 "Runtime short since item is a BED." 217 "No ETM Stretch due to no END ETM Stretch found within 120 minutes." 218 "No ETM Stretch due to no ETM found within 60 minutes." 219 "Audio has a duration of 0:00." Copyright (C) 2006 RCS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. RCS is a registered trademark, and Master Control is a trademark, of RCS, Inc.