V14 Native Traffic Specification (last modified on 9/4/98) (filename error corrected 7/5/00) Required Column Length Field Notes 1 1 Commercial Indicator "C" * 2 7 Start Time HRMN:SC, MILITARY HOUR * 9 15 Spot ID (aka "Cart Number") * 24 24 Spot Title 48 3 Priority Number 51 4 Length MNSC 55 4 Commercial Type 59 6 Customer ID 65 2 Internal Code 67 4 Product Code 71 8 Ordered Time 79 24 Sponsor1 Sponsor's Name for text matching with SpotDB 103 24 Sponsor2 " " " 127 24 Comment 151 8 Start Date MM/DD/YY 159 5 Start Time HR:MN 164 8 Stop Date MM/DD/YY 172 5 Stop Time HR:MN 177 8 Kill Date MM/DD/YY 185 15 Product1 Product's Name for text matching with SpotDB 200 15 Product2 " " " 215 1 is Live? 'Y' or 'N' 216 1 is External? 'Y' or 'N' 217 2 CBSI Stopset number '01', '02', ... 219 35 Native-Specific Manual field configuration to view in logedit 254 1 Carriage Return 255 1 Line Feed NOTES: - All fields should be left justified. - The filename should be in the format LGYYMMDD.xxx where xxx is 001 for AM station and 002 for FM station ("LG000705.002" for 7/5/2000 and FM station).