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Page Revision: 2015/01/12 10:19

Adding a rotation.

Ok now that we created a contract we need to a rotation.

From the Dashboard, double click the Contract module icon.

The Contracts screen will pop up.

  • We are going to reuse Joe's Roofing (highlighted red arrow).
  • Please select this entry under "Customer" and select contract number #4886 (highlighted blue arrow).

Right click contract 4886 and select "Open".


  • Select the "Rotation tab" and notice there is already one rotation already in the field.


  • Right click DEMO-FM and select "New".


The New Assignment/ Rotation Field pops up.


The author has changed the Start/End dates and unclicked the Monday, Wensday and Friday boxes.

  • Modify the entries to preference.
  • Click on the "Add..." button (highlighted with a red arrow).


Since there is only one cart available, please click the "OK" button.


  • Select "OK" again.


  • Click "OK" again and you have created another rotation.