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Page History: Archiver

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Page Revision: 2017/09/20 08:50


WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.


The Automatic Archive tool reviews Customer accounts and only archives if the following conditions are true:

  • No existing active contracts.
  • Balance is $0.00.
  • Customer is more than 365 days old.
  • Last contract to finish did so over 365 days ago.
  • Last payment/adjustment applied to the Customer occurred more than 365 days ago.
  • Completed/paid for at least 60 days.


The Automatic Archive tool has been extended to include review/archive of Copy.

Copy will archive based on the "recycle" timeframe defined in the Group settings.

C.S. Of note though is whenever this value is set to 0 or -1, the Copy archive check utilizes 60 days.


Is there a way to disable the archiver?

Short answer: No. Long answer: Not only does archiving information serve to reduce the overall "clutter", it also serves to significantly reduce the evaluation of information (improves performance). Although it's not recommended, you can effectively disable the archiver by simply toggling whether or not archived items are included and never toggle this setting to the original off state. To do so, use the View menu item to access the Archived toggle; once enabled, the archived items are included. This value is remembered the next time you open the window. If you leave this toggle active/enabled; please understand that it will take longer to load, it will be slower.

Additional Information

TODO What other tidbits of information might be useful related to this subject.

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