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Page Revision: 2014/05/09 13:46

Automatic Placement (Log)

The automatic placement buttons and menus available on the Log are what schedules spots using the instructions entered through Formats, Contracts, Rotation, Copy, Customer configuration, etc. If, when opening a Log, there aren't any spots currently on the Log, the automatic placement processing occurs automatically; saving you the extra step of doing so.


The automatic placement process honors all of the following "rules":

  • Station - When a Contract is defined, the Station on the ContractLineItem is used to further align a spot with a particular Log. With regards to the Log, the Station determines several specific scheduling criteria:
    • Station Scheduling Weight - Sometimes you want to give more weight to the rate of spots, other times you may want to have more control by giving more weight to the "placement level" that you define. This can be configured according to your preference as to what will be given more weight first, second, etc. If all things being equal on the first, the second is evaluated and so forth.
    • Log Generation - The number of days into the future that the "structure" of a Log is generated so that scheduling can take place.
  • Format - Additionally, Formats are defined on a per Station basis. Each Format defines several details regarding the "how" a Log should be structured; specifically regarding the scheduling of spots, the avails (see AvailType) are added defining the when, available time and maximum number of spots that can be placed. It is also possible to "weight" these avails to create preferential placement on a per avail basis.
    • Avail - See AvailType.
    • Priority - A number 1 and 9 that defines the weight in relation to other avails defined. You can leave the priority set to nothing (blank); these will be treated as the lowest priority (if, of course, any other entries actually contain a number).
  • Target Date - On a ContractLineItem, you define a date range and within this range, possibly a pattern to target one or more days of the week (or using Daily scheduling to target specific calendar date(s)). When the Contract is approved, spots are created to target the defined criteria and each "target date" is used to determine which Log the individual spots should land.
  • Avail Type - On the ContractLineItem, you define where you want spots for this billing line to fall; this aligns with the respective Avail entries contained on Station Formats.
  • Primary Conflict - Each Contract can have a primary Conflict and secondary Conflict defined that will be applied (restrict). The placement of scheduled spots will not place within the defined criteria; which can be defined on an avail Format or minute (time) basis with a related separation amount that represents the amount accordingly. It is possible to set the Conflict to None; effectively removing the restrictions. However, other surrounding spots may still have Conflicts and those will still have the restriction(s) applied as expected.
  • Secondary Conflict - See Primary Conflict.
  • Override Conflicts - Each ContractLineItem can further define whether or not to participate in Conflict rules; to not participate, place a check mark next to this field. Effectively works the same as setting the Primary Conflict and Secondary Conflict to None; but on a per ContractLineItem basis.
  • Customer Separation - You can define, on a Customer basis, the amount of minimum separation that will be applied (restricted). This can either be on a avail Format or minute (time) basis and the related separation amount is the amount respectively.
  • Override Customer Separation - Each ContractLineItem can further define whether or not to participate in the Customer defined separation. (See Override Conflicts above.)

Spot Placement

Copy Assignment

Additional Information

See Stations.
See Formats.
See AvailTypes.
See Conflicts.
See Copy.