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Page Revision: 2017/06/05 18:03



WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.

This window is accessed through Settings.

This window shows all conflict codes within the system. You can change header items by using the column chooser but all available items will show in the default screen as shown below.


Your columns are Name, Separation Method and Amount. You can alter any of the above by clicking on them and adjusting them the window that pops up. It will look just like the New Conflict window. (see below)

New Conflict


With this you and add a new conflict of your choice, Name, Separation method and Separation amount.


When the spots are scheduled on the Log, several rules are evaluated in order to create / enforce the space between various scheduled items. Two of these rules are based on Conflict (Primary and Secondary - defined on the Contract). When evaluating the primary and/or secondary conflicts, the type of separation defined for the individual Conflict is evaluated and there are three basic types:


When the separation method is set to None, the primary/secondary conflict evaluation are skipped during the automatic placement process on the Log.


A separation method of Minutes requires defining how many minutes will be used in determining how far apart similar items (with the same conflict) can be placed. Keep in mind that the amount of time is on both sides of the item being placed compared to both sides of other items already placed.


Separation method of Avails requires specifying the number of avails between similar items (with the same conflict).

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