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Page Revision: 2016/05/05 21:38


Thank you for choosing RadioTraffic.com to be your traffic and billing service!

RadioTraffic.com (RT) has been designed by radio programmers with decades of experience to help make your traffic system smoothly integrate with your automation systems along with being easy to use for sales staff and traffic managers. We believe that once you discover all the features of RT you will be amazed by the amount of time you save comparted to any other traffic and billing system available.

This documentation serves to detail the instructions to get you up to speed as quickly as possible. You'll find how to set up your sales team to place their orders electronically and keep tabs on their clients’ accounts and outstanding accounts receivable. Your sales manager will be able to approve new orders with a single click of the mouse. Best of all your sales team does not even have to be in the building to get the order placed because all you need is a computer with internet access to place an order!

Your traffic department will be able to quickly access all the orders for a client within the same screen without having to search through huge lists of orders. They will be able to drag and drop spots into a log without having to remember the order numbers or spot codes for each commercial. They will also be able to have spot copy sent electronically to your production team eliminating the potential for lost scripts.

Your production team will be able to access every spot and every piece of commercial copy. No more waiting for a sales staff member to get back and dig through their filing cabinets for copy! Now your turnaround for clients can be even faster than before including the ability to write a script at a client’s store and have it produced and on the air within minutes!

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Scott Traffic, LLC. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. It is against the law to redistribute the software for any purpose other than the purchaser's business use.

Peer-to-Peer Forums

A place to share your suggestions and/or read solutions and ideas from other RT users.

You have to register to become a member of the forums. Please share you ideas, solutions and read from other users of our software..


In order to access the RT system, you'll need to have an account. Once a contract is signed, we will work with the primary contact at your organization to configure an account that can in turn configure all further accounts related to your data. These accounts are usable from any location that can access your data. RT has no restrictions on how many computers can be utilized; everything is tied to the account(s). Note: In order to have more than one account, you will need to have a multi-user license.


We support several mechanisms for interacting with the data contained within the RT services.


The primary interaction takes place using the feature rich Microsoft Windows-based application. This client application is built leveraging the latest tools and technologies available today and installs relatively painlessly on any currently supported version of Microsoft Windows. It is also possible to install and use the client application on current Apple OSX (Intel-based) and/or Intel-based Linux OS machines using several available third-party products. The client application requires that you are connected to the internet (specifically, port 80 and 2433; other ports may be required depending of features available/utilized).

This client application is designed to be kept up-to-date and provides automatic updates. How often the updates occur depends on the edition of the software that you have installed. You will also be notified via the dashboard and a system popup notification that a new version is available. You can click on this notice to begin the upgrade process (speed of update depends on your available internet bandwidth). It is important that, upon being made aware of an update being made available, that you save your current work and allow the update to occur. Note: Updates automatically apply whenever launching the client application. Also, do not shut down the program during an update process.

We've designed the installation and automatic update process to be as painless as possible; this faciliate that we can update the software early and often (depending on the edition you have installed), which allows us to get you new and improved features without having to wait months or years.

To start the client application (assuming Microsoft Windows), you will need to launch the RadioTraffic icon located in your programs start menu. Upon launching the software, it will verify that it is the latest version and then prompt for account information. Enter the information into this dialog that was provided to you by either our customer service team or whomever is responsible at your organization for creating/managing RT accounts. Upon successful authentication, you will be presented with the RT Dashboard.

More detailed instructions and requirements regarding installing the client application, please visit this page.


The main Dashboard provides updates on station data in near real-time. There are several charts and graphs available and we continue to add more all the time. The dasboard also serves as the starting point for all of the various modules available to you depending on your current account configuration(s).

See Dashboard.

Automation Systems

See Automation Systems.


See Glossary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

See FAQ.