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Page Revision: 2009/12/22 17:46



Station Configuration


Cart Numbers

Enco DAD system can use cart number from 00001 to 99999.

Automation Commands

RadioTraffic.com automation commands map directly to various Enco DAD playlist event types. Most commands require a function definition (A, S, L, N) and optionally support additional parameters delimited by the pipe symbol (|).

Chain Events

There are two types of Chain Events available in Enco DAD, the Chain and the Smart Chain. To create these in RadioTraffic.com, you'll need to enter:

Cart #: CHAIN
Command: A, S, L{|{*}{8 characters}}

The usage of the asterisk (*) will automatically use tomorrows date when determining the playlist to load. Otherwise, you can define the playlist directly.

Delay Event

Cart #: DELAY
Command: A or L{|delay}

Delay is the amount of time in seconds to perform the delay. If not provided, a value of 0 will be assumed.

Timed Event / Branches

Command: A or L{|delay}

The cart numbers map to type of events defined within the Enco DAD user manual. Each variant maps as follows:

TIMED - Timed Event
HARD - Basic Hard Branch
HARD2 - Forward Hard Branch
HARDALL - Basic Hard Brach 'All Hours'
SOFT - Basic Soft Branch
SOFT2 - Forward Soft Branch
SOFTLMT - Basic Soft Branch with a 'limit' of delay seconds.

The delay parameter is only used with the SOFTLMT type of branch.

Command/Rotate/Playlist Cut

Cart #: 6 digits
Command: A, L, S or N

Command/Rotate/Playlist cuts allows you to play an audio file (or other "event") directly without the scheduling subsystem. Examples may include liners, jingles, macros, rotations, etc. Not all "commands" are available to all types of cuts; please review the Enco DAD user manual for further details.


At this time, the above are the officially supported event types. If you need others that are not currently implemented, please contact customer service with details and we'll be happy to add them.

Log Notes

Log Notes automatically export as Enco DAD "comments".


Programs currently export as "comments".


Break markers do not automatically export to the Enco DAD export and are used strictly inside of RadioTraffic.com as a means of scheduling.

Automatic Log Reconciliation

RadioTraffic.com currently doesn't support automatic log reconciliation for Enco DAD. If you are interested in assisting us to add this feature, please contact customer service for further details.

Additional Information

For documentation concerting working with playlists in the DAD system, please refer to the Enco documentation on the subject.