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Page Revision: 2017/05/17 12:02




RadioTraffic converts to a specific EZ-Automation log format.

Station Configuration

To configure RadioTraffic to work with EZ-Automation, you will first need modify the station configuration to utilize EZ-Automation as the automation system. In the administration module, open 'Stations'. Select the station you want to configure and double click. Once the station configuration is visible, select the 'Files' tab. Select the 'Product' to EZ-Automation using the drop down selection tool. The 'Automation Log Path' is where RadioTraffic will export the log to, so set this to the file system folder that EZ-Automation will pull the file from.

Cart Numbers

EZ-Automation system is limited to a maximum 7 digits for cart numbers.

Automation Commands

RadioTraffic exports the cart number portion of automation commands.

Log Notes

Due to limitations in EZ-Automation, log notes do not export.

However, special "internal" comments are leverage to optionally control the 1-100 units per hour positioning. This will override the default export of 10 breaks per hour / 10 units per break behavior. To leverage these, start the log note with a exclamation character followed by the number of offset units within the 1-100 range per hour. This offset will automatically reset to 1 at the top of each hour. For each spot that is placed, this offset will be increased by 1; an encountered log note in this format will force the offset to whatever is entered, so it is possible that you could "go back" inadvertently if the number of spots exceeds the expected number.

If none of these special "internal" comments are found on the log, the default behavior will be used.


Due to limitations in EZ-Automation, programs do not export.


Although avails do not export per se, the export process will leverage the avails to determine which EZ-Automation "break" is scheduled. EZ-Automation only supports 100 events per hour and we've broken this into 10 "breaks" per hour; thus RT will only export up to the first 10 "breaks" per hour. Additionally, because of the 100 events per hour, each "break" can have no more than 10 items per "break"; any additional items are not exported.

With that said, the log export will merge any avails, spots and automation commands that are, based on scheduled time and length, back-to-back (thus defining a "break"). This allows for full flexibility in scheduling within RT; balanced with the significant limitations of the automation interface.

Furthermore, once all avails have been merged in order to fit within the limitations of EZ-Automation; any "breaks" that are empty (no spots, automation commands) will be modified so that the first item is a 9999999 cart number (SKIP).

"Blank" entries are filled with 0000000 cart numbers.

Note: This is the default behavior and can easily be overridden using Log Notes (see above).

Log Reconciliation

We currently do not support assisted log reconciliation for the EZ-Automation as-aired logs. If you would like to see support for this feature, please contact customer service for further details.


TODO Add any questions as they come up to this section.

Additional Information

It is also important to remember that due to the file names used by EZ-Automation, only 7 days worth of logs can exist at any given time.

Please keep in mind that the only information exported (due to limitations in the file format of EZ-Automation) is the 7-digit cart numbers; no times, names, etc. are exported in any way.