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Page Revision: 2015/04/20 15:13



Do you have a tutorial on how to do billing?

See Billing Procedures.

I am trying to completely remove a line of revenue from an existing order. I have cancelled the line but it is still showing up with revenue attached to it.

If it is a billing line only, open the order and navigate to View > Placement Summary. Choose that spot line and highlight it, and then right click and select Force OAR. Right click again and select Force Trash, which will trash the billing line.

We entered the old invoices into RT we put the invoice number from our old system in the product field on the invoice in RT and on the details when we added the line. Is there any report we can pull that gives us that information on the invoice?

The invoice detail report has a column header for Product so does the billing history report . There are four or five other reports that have product field that will provide you with the information you need. .

When looking at invoices, what do the colored highlights mean?

Yellow highlights mean the invoice is in progress.
Green highlights mean they are completed.
Italicized print means zero dollar invoices

Is It advised to print invoices, then apply unapplied credits, and then print statements?

If you have unapplied credits you can finalize the invoices, choose No when the printing options come up. Then apply the credits to the invoices, then go to tools > Batch Print Invoices, and print the invoices. Unless you want to print the invoices first, then just show the payments on the statements.

Can I reconcile a partial month for billing? If a client is to be billed at end of schedule and the schedule ends before the end of the month?

Yes, you can reconcile a partial month then go to A/R and finalize and bill that client.

What are the basic steps to billing?

First, make sure all of your logs are reconciled: View pending invoices, finalize, and print. Then go to tools and print statements. Also see See Billing Procedures.

Can export invoices and statements to a spreadsheet, such as Excel?

Yes, the invoices and statements can both be exported to a spreadsheet. The first step after you have a finalized invoice is to right click and select Print Preview. From there you choose, File/ Export and you have a list of options. Same for the Statement: Select Print Statement from the Statement/Projection tab, then choose File/ Export.

Applying Payments

Go to accounts receivable/choose client/on bottom right hand side add payment/Date/amount/choose Cash,Check,or Credit Card /Station. Then click ok to move onto the next client.

Is there anyway to search or display Agency's when applying a payment? Often time agencies send payments and don't indicate the client on the check.

When in A/R you can put your mouse in the right hand side if they provide an invoice number do a control F (find ) and search my invoice.

Batch Invoices or any changes that are made on Invoices

In batch print invoices, those invoices are ones that could have been back balances, or changes made on the invoice and not re-printed. Send them to a virtual printer by choosing the print option and select your Microsoft XPS document writer, send them to your desktop to clear them out of there and then you can delete them off your desktop.

Whenever invoices are changed, and it asks you if you want to print them, send them to the virtual printer , unless you do want to print them, otherwise they will sit in the batch print area, and wait to get printed when you do your broadcast or calendar printiing.

When do I apply credits to Invoices?

It is advised to print invoices, then apply unapplied credits, and then print statements?

If you have unapplied credits finalize the invoices, choose NO when the printing options come up. Then apply the credits to the invoices, then go to tools/Batch Print Invoices, and then print the invoices, unless you want to print the invoices first, then just show the payments on the statements.

How do I do a deposit?

To apply payments: Go to accounts receivable/choose client/on bottom right hand side add payment/Date/amount/choose Cash,Check,or Credit Card /Station. Then click ok to move onto the next client.

When I add a payment and distribute all the funds RT is asking me to choose a station for the unapplied amount (which is 0) before I can close out of that payment application box do I have to break down each check for each station? Before I enter a total for the check?

You have to pick a station in that drop down area, but when you actually apply the payment to the invoice or invoices that is what shows as to what has been applied to each station.

If I have a check that is for a few different revenue types (and stations) am I able to apply the payment at once to each station/rev type?

When you apply the payment, it will reflect on the Payment Detail report when choosing Station and Rev Type. But if you have different revenue types then the payments must be entered separately.

When I have a check that is paying for more than one invoice and the invoices are on seperate stations can I choose ANY station in the station tab and then just choose to pay the invoices?

Yes, you can choose any station because on your payment detail report the stations where the amounts were applied to the invoice will be reflected correctly.

Is there a way to "create" Demand bills for clients who want to pay ahead of time?

We can turn on a feature for you, "create invoice without order" in AR this will allow you to create an invoice so that this client can pre-pay.

How do I finalize my invoices?

Open the Accounts Receivable module. In the View menu, choose Pending Invoices. To finalize invoices, click the box next to the invoice and then click the FINALIZE button in the lower left corner of the window.

You may also finalize an invoice by choosing an individual customer in the customer list, right clicking on any gathering invoice and choosing finalize.

Why does an invoice show a zero balance?

An invoice can show a zero balance for several reasons. Begin by checking the line items of the invoice to see if the spot rate was zero. Check for any adjustments that could have been made to the invoice. It's also possible the invoice has not been finalized.

How do I add an item to a pending invoice?

Depending on the options you have available, you can either just edit the pending invoice to include any lines you wish or you'll have to extend an order in order to get a line added to an invoice.

If you are unable to modify the invoice directly, and as long as the invoice is still pending, it is possible to extend the order using an off air revenue line item and have that charge added to the invoice. The off air revenue must occur within the start/end date of the pending invoice invoice and be assigned to the same station as the invoice.

If you do not have the ability to modify the invoices directly, please feel free to contact customer service for details on how to get this feature.

Can I send invoices via e-mail?

Yes. To activate electronic invoicing you will need to do two things. First, when entering a customer's information enter an e-mail address then click the billing tab and check the box for Deliver via E-mail. Then in the Administration module, choose station and then the E-mail tab. Enter the information you want to appear on the invoice e-mail.

Can RadioTraffic handle notarized invoices?

Yes. In the Administration section choose the Stations module and the Billing tab. Enter your notary text in the box provided.