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FAQ - Installation and Setup


How do I register my software?

Please contact us and we can assist you in registering your software.

What if my log on information does not work?

Please contact us and they can assist you in signing into your software.

Will Radio Traffic work on a Mac or OSX machine?

Radio Traffic only runs on Windows, and is optimized for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1.

If your Mac has an Intel-based processor, you can configure it to run Windows side-by-side with OSX to run Radio Traffic using the following third-party products:
Although we can't support these products directly, we have many customers using these to run our software on Macs. We support Radio Traffic under the Windows portion of the operating system. For more information regarding these third-party products, please visit their respective websites.

Do you recommend using a Mac for RadioTraffic?

No, not for full-time traffic manager use. For a full-time traffic manager role, we recommend a Windows 64 bit machine with multi-core processor such as quad core or higher running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1.

If traffic is only a small percentage of your use and most of your other use demands a Mac, then RadioTraffic can work with Windows on a Mac using a third-party application such as BootCamp, Parallels, or VMware Fusion. For example, for sales or management to simply run a report now and then, if you already have a Mac, RadioTraffic can be made to run on it.