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How do I check for missing copy errors when I lock my log?

Throughout the editing of the log, the MISSING COPY tab in the lower portion of the log editing screen will give you real-time updates to what copy, if any, is missing. If you have an automation system selected, the log will not allow you to lock and export until these errors have been corrected.

How do I trash make good spots from the log?

To delete a make good spot while you're in the log, click on to the Make Goods tab > right click on a spot and select Trash.

Or from the dashboard you can click Contracts > Tools > Make Goods and trash make goods by customer.

What do I need to do to set up customers who have requested to see when their spots are scheduled to be aired?

In customer; add their email address/apply/and check 'email my times" then On your Dashboard, go to Tools/ Email Settings; your email has to be configured in order to send out emails to salespeople and clients when locking the log.

How can I view where spots are placed?

In the order/Placement summary, or go to the log and View/ Summary then filter for the client

How do I show clients where they were placed?

Log detail or after aired report as long as the logs have been reconciled and they want to see it before they get their invoice.

Is there a way to arrange the fill list so that all the same length spots are grouped together?

Like all tables in radio traffic you can sort that one by any of the columns. Just click on the section of the grey bar that says Length and it will sort the list by that.

How do I unlock a log to make a change, I locked a log, but realized I needed to fix some things. When I went to Unlock the log - it was grayed out and won't let me. How do I get around this?

You have to unlock in reverse order of how you locked your logs, so if you need to unlock Saturday, but Sunday and Monday are locked you must unlock Monday, then unlock Sunday, then unlock Saturday.

How do I fix a copy error on my log?

In the MISSING COPY tab, you could remove the item from the log or take note of the clients with incorrect, missing or invalid copy. You can then either use the order entry module to add copy to the order(s) or use the customer module to add copy. Once done, open the log and verify that all copy has been taken care of.

How do I email my log?

After your log is locked, go to File, Print Preview, when the log prints to your screen, go to the printer option in the upper left hand corner, the printer you should select is the Microsoft XPS Document Writer, than save your log with a name to your desktop, than you can attach it to an email.

The log I printed did not print the cart # on the print out. I could see the cart on the screen but they did not print.

Usually an indication that the cart numbers didnt print, is you selected the lock button and then if you were hovering over it , it might have been unlocked, is the log locked or not locked at this point. Another reason is that you printed the log before you locked it.

I locked a log, but realized I needed t fix some things. When I go to Unlock the log - it is grayed out and won't let me. How do I get around this?

  • You have to unlock in reverse order of how you locked your logs, so if you need to unlock Saturday, but Sunday and Monday are locked you must unlock Monday, then unlock Sunday, then unlock Saturday. *