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Page Revision: 2015/04/21 18:30



How do I check for missing copy errors when I lock my log?

Throughout the editing of the log, the MISSING COPY tab in the lower portion of the log editing screen will give you real-time updates to what copy, if any, is missing. If you have an automation system selected, the log will not allow you to lock and export until these errors have been corrected.

How do I trash make good spots from the log?

To delete a make good spot while you're in the log, click on to the Make Goods tab > right click on a spot and select Trash.

Or from the dashboard you can click Contracts > Tools > Make Goods and trash make goods by customer.

What do I need to do to set up customers who have requested to see when their spots are scheduled to be aired?

In customer; add their email address/apply/and check 'email my times" then On your Dashboard, go to Tools/ Email Settings; your email has to be configured in order to send out emails to salespeople and clients when locking the log.

How can I view where spots are placed?

In the log, navigate to View > Summary. The Log Summary window allows you to sort by customer to see when each customers' spots are placed.

How do I show clients where they were placed?

After reconciling the logs, you can show a client an After Aired report. From the dashboard, click to open the Reports module. Under the Log category is the After Aired report.

Is there a way to arrange the fill list so that all the same length spots are grouped together?

Like all tables in RadioTraffic you can sort that one by any of the columns. Just click on the section of the grey bar that says Length and it will sort the list by that.

I locked a log, but realized I needed to fix some things. What should I do?

To unlock a locked log, navigate to File > Unlock. If Unlock is unavailable to you, you must unlock subsequent logs in reverse order of how you locked them. For example, if you're trying to unlock Saturday's log to make a correction after you have finished the logs for the weekend and upcoming Monday, you must first unlock Monday's log, then Sunday's log, and then you will be able to unlock Saturday's log.

Best practices: Do not unlock a log to make a correction. Instead, have a spot or spots added in your automation system. The spots will be reconciled in RadioTraffic when the aired log file is imported.

How do I fix a Missing Copy error on my log?

In the Invalid Copy tab, double click on the copy to fix, which opens the Contract window. Click the Rotation tab, and double click the rotation to open the Copy Assignment window to troubleshoot why copy is missing.

How do I email my log?

After your log is locked, navigate to File > Print Preview. When the log prints to your screen, click the Printer Options icon in the upper left hand corner and select Microsoft XPS Document Writer. Save the log with a name to your desktop, and then you can attach it to an email.

Why weren't cart numbers on my log print out?

Lock the log before printing it to get the cart numbers on the print out.