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Page Revision: 2011/04/11 09:30

==Change Order (Post Approval)==

Once an order (contract) has been approved, spots have been generated and are able to be utilized for log placement. Because of this, great care has to be taken to ensure the integrity of the order from this process forward.

However, there may be times that you need to make changes. Three common scenarios are:

  • Your customer changed their mind and decided to cancel the order (either early or immediately).
  • Your customer changed their mind regarding the "schedule".
  • Someone along the line made a error that caused the data entry to be incorrect and you need to correct the error.

Modify the Header

We've gone to great lengths to enable the ability to modify all the fields of the header of an order. Some of these will require that you have administrative permission in order to accomplish. When changing the header of an order, keep in mind that many of these fields are directly used by the invoice generation process in order produce final billing; as such, any changes here will affect any invoices; regardless of whether they are pending or finalized in order to keep everything in sync, primarily for reporting purposes.

Cancel a Line Item

There are two methods available for stopping the execution of a line. In order to cancel, as soon as possible, a line, you can use the Cancel... context menu item. This will stop the line as immediately as possible based on the currently associated log(s). The second option is to "schedule" the stopping of a line item. To do this, use the Stop... context menu item and enter the date you would like to stop the line in the prompt presented. This will modify the end date of the line item so that it will no longer execute beyond the date entered.

Edit a Line Item

Once approved, the order lines will be in an executable state; meaning they are in process. Depending on the current state of this execution, you may or may not be able to make changes. If the line has not started, you can cancel it before it ever started in order to make any changes needed.

Before Execution

Video: How to modify an approved order line item that has not already started.

In order to modify a line item that has not started, you need to "cancel" it; which will turn the clock back, so to speak, to put the line item back into a pending status. Once in a pending status, you can make any changes necessary (unrestricted).

  • To do this, right click on the line item you wish to modify.
  • Choose the Cancel... context menu item.
  • Answer yes to the "Do you wish to cancel the item before it ever started?" question.

At this point, the line item can no longer have any further changes made until it has commited the change you've just requested. To continue...

  • Press the "Apply" button to save any current changes.
  • Once saved, you can either double click on the line item or right click and choose the "Open" context menu item to open the line item for modification.
  • Make the changes you were intending to make.
  • Press the OK button to commit those changes.
  • Press the "Apply" button to save those changes (or the "OK" button if you are completely finished with making changes to the order.

During/After Execution

Once a line item has begun to execute, the fields that can be modified are significantly reduced. For example, because the item has already aired as a "60", you can no longer modified it to be a "30". Once execution has begun, you can modify the limited fields directly or you can:

  • Duplicate the line using the same start date as the original.
  • Modify the duplicated line to start as of the effective change date.
  • Save the line.
  • Cancel/Stop the original line as of the effective change date.

This will essentially split the line so that what has already executed is intact and what will execute will be what you've modified it to be.

Because changes were made, you will be given the option to reprint the confirmations at this time.