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Page Revision: 2018/07/09 16:29

InfluenceFM (Technical Details)



This page contains the technical (behind the scenes) details as related our integration with InfluenceFM; as such, it is not intended to be used by our end-users.


The API currently available utilizes the HTTP GET protocol.


This HTTP GET script can be accessed via:



The following variables are currently available:

  • x (required) - The eXchanger; the third-party product using the API... in this case influencefm.
  • g (required) - The group APPCODE; this is the APPCODE accessible from within the Group window (from the Dashboard using the Settings icon).
  • t (optional) - Type of data (see below).
  • f (optional) - Format of the data (see below).
  • s (optional) - Filter to Station list. This variable is optional; however, if included the resulting data will be limited to the list of call letters supplied. If not included (the default), all stations are included in the result. (This, of course, assumes that the data is "station-centric".)
  • p (optional) - The "Pivot" date; the default pivot date (if not provided) for the data retrieved defaults to today. However, there are cases where the data being pulled for historical purposes is desired.
  • n (optional) - Pull using "NET" numbers. If not included (the default), the value is "true" (unless using a specific "gross" style, legacy, report).

CS Please keep in mind that the following samples are "live" and are only available if one of our QA servers is actively enabled to return the following data. If you find this to not be the case and need this to be so, please let know by either Sending a Smile or contacting customer service.


  • Customers
    • cust (sample)
      Active customer list.
  • Billing History
    • billinit (sample)
      Overall billing history covering the active portion of this year plus all of the prior year. Each record represents one billing entry that occurred on a recorded "end_date".
    • billhist (sample)
      Billing history covering "last month". Each record represents one billing entry that occurred on a recorded "end_date".
  • Projections
    • proj (sample)
      Gross revenue projections for 3 months. The report generated will return 3 columns of projections numbered 1 through 3 where the first column represents the month of the specified pivot date.

CS It's best to right click and save as the above samples.


  • json (default) - JSON (sample).

      "success": true,
      "report": "cust",
      "data": [
        "customer_guid": "...",
        "customer": "America's Auto",
        "owner_guid": "...",
        "owner": "Sammy Hagar",
        "contact_name": "",
        "phone": "...",
        "email": null,
        "revenue_source": "National Agency",
        "credit_policy": "Net 15",
        "status": "Inactive",
        "created": "2015-07-27"

    Note: Null values are represented as "null" (not blank).

    The success variable represents whether or not the data was able to be retrieved; true represents success, false represents failure (see below). The report variable represents what kind of data is returned; this will match the type of data that was requested in the GET request. The data array contains the actual report.

      "success": false,
      "message": "what happened?"

    Upon a failed request, the success variable will be set to false and there will be a message variable containing the actual failure reason.

  • xml - XML (sample).
  • html - HTML using tables (technically, XHTML) (sample).
  • csv - Comma-Separated Value (sample).
  • tab - Tab-delimited (sample).

CS It's best to right click and save as the above samples.

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InfluenceFM (Technical Details)