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Page Revision: 2017/05/17 14:53

Start join.me


WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.

The Start join.me window can be accessed through the Tools main menu located on the Dashboard.


In a perfect world, diagnosing issues or sharing of information can be done using voice or written communications. However, we've found that in many cases there's nothing better than literally being on the "same page". In order to do this, we use screen sharing technologies such as join.me. In an effort to better facilitate this connection, we've automated out some of the steps involved by integrating the "launch" portion directly from the Dashboard.


When asked to make this connection, you'll be provided with a code to enter. This is a unique code that only lasts for the immediate session; once this session has been completed, the code is discarded and no longer functional. This protects everyone involved as this provides for a completely temporary connection. Once you've entered the valid code (provided to you by our support team), click the OK button to begin. From here, you will see that RT automatically launches your default web browser to the appropriate hook point on join.me's website. From here you'll have to follow the steps and instructions as provided by the join.me service.

Join.me From the Starter side

This is for both the Support Team (To learn how to use, and for those that want to better understand the entire Join.Me process.)

Go to Join.me (website) and download. Your desktop will have the Join.me Icon Image

Either start or Join a meeting and use the one-time number option Image

To Join you will need the 9 digit number mentioned above.

To start one you will need to put in your E-mail and password. After you Sign up first.


When Join.me is running you will see you have an Icon Bar top center and some bubbles on the right side of your desktop. Image

First Icon will allow you to either use a phone or the computer audio (if you do not have a headset or a microphone you will not be able to voice communicate) Image

The Middle Icon Starts and stops the sharing of screens. (Click it once to start and stop)


This icon shows who is in the meeting, ability to hide the bubbles on the right and to invite others to join (see below for more on inviting) Image

This is the Settings Icon, you can to much with this window, but will focus on just two. This is where we start/stop the recording and where we can exit the meeting without exiting out of the Join.me program Image

This is the Invite window. Not only can you invite people with the icon mentioned above but you can click on the + Bubble and it will bring it up to. You can let others know this 9 digit number and if they have Join.me they can enter the meeting Image


If there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.)))