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Page Revision: 2014/05/05 08:46


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RadioTraffic.com three-peats! Tops TDGA 2014 survey for the third consecutive year! In 2014, RadioTraffic.com rates #1 in user satisfaction in 9 of 17 categories and #2 in three more. In 2013 and 2012, RadioTraffic.com was also #1 in user satisfaction, hands down. read more



  • Fixed: Under specific circumstances the Log editor will incorrectly identify Copy as missing when moving a spot from the bump list to the Log and the rotation contains Copy that is "illegal" for the current Log and the "illegal" Copy is currently marked as next.
  • Modified: Updated the wording on the Copy window regarding the option to include the item as part of the MustFill functionality to state "Usable by MUSTFILL.".
  • Modified: When creating a new piece of Copy, the station list is now filtered based on the User's available permissions; if any Station is removed due to the permissions, the "All Station" entry is also removed.
  • Modified: If the roles defined for an account do not include all stations, the Copy window will now restrict the ability to modify any copy that is for "All Stations"; instead, only copy associated with station(s) that roles are defined are allowed to be modified (assuming the role allows modification). The CopyList window has also been modified to account for stations.
  • Modified: Moved the Create From Package tool in the Contracts context menu so that it is now grouped with the Create Package tool.
  • Modified: The MustFill feature will now pull and recycle when determining what can be used when locking the Log; effectively this means that if there is very little content available to pull from, everything will be utilized, not used twice, until everything has been utilized and then start over (recycle).
  • Modified: Moved the MustFill processing and saving the Log to after the possible prompt that there are one or more Contracts that target this Log that are still pending.
  • Modified: In circumstances where printing a statement for an account that contains invoices that belong to different agencies and one of the agency prior balances is zero; the zero prior balance is now filtered automatically from the statement.
  • Modified: The Dashboard message relating to the automation system being defined but not containing a import path has been updated to account for recent changes; specifically the ability to define (or not) different products for import and export.
  • Fixed: When trashing spots from a Contract, if all of the spots for a particular day have been trashed, the Invalid Contract/Rotation/Copy report is showing the Copy is missing for that particular day.
  • Modified: When running the Invoice report and/or Accounts Receivable Reconciliation report, broadcast Invoices are included in the "projected billing broadcast month" even if they completed (invoice effective date) in the prior calendar month. The invoice date column for these reflects the effective invoice date (the last invoiced line item) so it would appear, for these types of Invoices, that the Invoice should not be included (but are) since they completed prior to the period from and to dates. When this type of thing occurs, these are Invoices are broadcast related Contracts that, for whatever reason, completed within the broadcast portion of the previous month but belong to the "billing month" specified by the report criteria. The motivation behind this is that a large percentage of our clients compare the Revenue Projection report with the Invoice report and/or Accounts Receivable Reconciliation report to assist in the verification of the Billing process.
  • Modified: The context menu options for Check all and Uncheck all have been added to the MakeGoodCustomer and MakeGoodDetail windows.
  • Modified: When printing Reports, the Filter criteria is now only included if there is an actual active filter.


  • Fixed: When exporting to SS32 and/or WideOrbit, the check for category is incorrectly detecting a missing category on automation commands.


  • Modified: When a dashboard item shows a specific contract, when clicking on this item the contract is opened directly instead the pending contracts window.
  • Fixed: When opening and approving a contract in the pending contracts window, the now approved contract is not removed from the list.
  • Modified: (Add-On) The User window now displays the Sales and Sales Manager roles regardless of what Sales Add-On options are enabled as long Sales Add-On is active.
  • Modified: All reports have been modified so that the default export is Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) (Office 2007+). The XLS version is still available as an option to target the export and is identified as Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook.
  • Modified: (Option Pack) EmailMyTimes will now present a slightly different, more informational, message when encountering a customer that is configured to be sent a notification but has a blank email address.
  • Modified: Changed the Email Order Confirmations window title to Email Contract Confirmations.
  • Modified: Changed the Print Order Confirmations window title to Print Contract Confirmations.
  • Modified: Changed the Station window to support separately defining automation system log and as-play configuration; because of this, it is now may be required that the automation system type be defined separately for log export and/or as-play import.
  • Fixed: Traffic Manager is unable to create new copy using the Copy module.
  • Added: When creating a new customer, the new button for creating copy is not enabled until you press the apply button for the customer. There is now a message next to new button on the copy tab as a reminder to this requirement.
  • Modified: The Aging reports have been modified to reflect the invoice effective date of invoices (determined based on the date of the latest invoice item) providing the ability to bill out and reflect paid invoices regardless to the billing cycle boundary. read more
  • Modified: The "aging" section of statements has been modified to reflect the "effective" date to align with the Aging reports. read more
  • Modified: The transaction list section of statements has been modified to reflect the "effective" date of invoices to align with the Aging reports. read more
  • Modified: When adding a new payment and canceling the process, the A/R window no longer attempts to refresh the list of transactions; adjustments were already previously optimized to work in this manner.
  • Modified: The ability for an Administrator Assistant to modify group, station and user details in Settings has been removed.
  • Modified: Significantly reduced the time it takes to "match" spots during assisted reconciliation (using as-play file).
  • Fixed: The "Test Account Settings" description of the Email settings is not displaying correctly.
  • Modified: The Email settings window no longer can be resized; there is no reason for it to be resizable.
  • Fixed: An exception occurs when the log export process encounters an automation command with a "blank" length.
  • Modified: Reduced the amount of time it takes to retrieve the bump and make good list when opening a log.
  • Modified: Reduced the number logs displayed in the "load log" window; will no longer display logs more than 6 months old.
  • Modified: Correction Mode on a contract line item now allows modifying the settings for override conflict separation, override customer separation, start time and end time. Note, some placement priority is determined based on start/end time range; this information is currently not modified due to changing the start/end times after contract approval. The purpose of allowing the changing to the start/end time is to modify the window in which the spot can be placed on a log "after the fact".
  • Fixed: When modifying the override conflict and/or override conflict separation settings, the wording changes to bold and is truncated.
  • Added: Due to the way the Invoice report (for example) utilizes the invoice effective date, the Broadcast Accrual report has been enhanced to include an "End Date" column. This can be used, for example, to filter out any broadcast invoices that fully completed (do not cross over the calendar month) if so desired.
  • Modified: (Option Pack) When finance charges are active and viewing the Aging reports, the reports have been modified to "apply" finance charge adjustments to finance charges (if applicable) directly affecting the finance charge column (reduction) instead of applying the money to the value of the base invoice. Additionally, it takes into account finance charge adjustments being applied *incorrectly* to invoices that either do not have a finance charge and/or are "overpaying" an existing finance charge and gracefully handles these scenarios.
  • Modified: When using SS32 or WideOrbit automation systems, locking a log with invalid and/or missing cart numbers and/or missing categories now displays a message as a error; aborting the export process requiring that the problem(s) are resolved.
  • Modified: When exporting to EDI, the purchase order field will now be used to populate the "rep order number" in addition to the "station order number". It is possible to use the purchase order field in such a way that two different numbers can be entered for the "rep order number" and "station order number"; to do so, use the pipe (|) symbol to separate the two values where the first value is the "rep order number" and the second value is the "station order number". Again, if only one value is entered, it will be used for both "rep order number" and "station order number".
  • Fixed: When importing the as-play file from Arrakis DigilinkExtreme and the SpotLog.dig file isn't the format we are expecting the attempt to filter by date causes an exception (because what we parsed out of the file wasn't a date). This is now gracefully handled and "nothing" will be imported due to this scenario since none of the "dates" will match the date of the log (since none of the "dates" are actually dates). read more


  • Fixed: The Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code fields are showing in some circumstances where the Agency does not have an EDI#.
  • Modified: Normally Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code are all required; however, modified so the estimate code is exported if that is the only field provided.
  • Added: In addition to radio, exported EDI documents now support TV.
  • Modified: When adding/modifying adjustments, the station field now warns if it has been left blank; Escrow or a Station is required.
  • Fixed: Sometimes, on some installations, the dashboard does not initially load and requires an F5 refresh to be done to get it to load.
  • Modified: Minor tweaks to reports with regards to whenever the notice states that the report needs to be reloaded, the data on the report is also cleared to help ensure that there is no confusion that the report needs to be reloaded.
  • Fixed: Corrected the "daypart" misspelling on the Log->Options window.
  • Fixed: When bumping spots using the "bump by" tool for customer, normal spots, make good spots and this avail, the spot times left on the log are not adjusting to account for the removal of item(s).
  • Modified: When bumping spots using the "bump by" tool for this customer, this avail, all spots, normal spots and make good spots, the process now shows an overall progress indicator while applying the requested change(s).
  • Fixed: When deleting an avail type, the ghost of the avail type is incorrectly being left on the formats/templates.


  • Modified: Dashboard so that if multiple station/automation systems are not configured for 'assisted reconcile'; multiple entries are now consolidated on a stations / automation system basis.
  • Modified: Rotations to support working with copy elements that are more than one hour in length.
  • Fixed: The Billing window column for Station is blank for Administrators.
  • Modified: Once a rotation item has been selected, the highlight will no longer disappear when changing to a different field/button.
  • Fixed: When modifying a rotation, closing the window and reopening the window (without saving to the server), the sorting appears to revert to the original state (display issue); however, if you make additional sort changes, the sorting of the elements is completely corrupted.
  • Modified: When creating a new rotation on a contract, there is a "placeholder" entry made for the potentially new rotation; however, instead of being completely blank, the start and end time columns were displaying values which apparently caused a bit of confusion. The line is now completely blank during this process (until the Apply and/or OK button on the Rotation window is pressed.)
  • Fixed: The agency product code was not properly exporting the 4A's invoice format; additionally, not all specified columns (although blank) weren't being fully accounted for.
  • Modified: Due to continued confusion (thanks to eMediaTRADE's apparent recent change in processing); if an agency is configured for EDI and the order is set to this configured agency, the Estimate # transforms into three different fields for Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code values. Look on the agency order (from the agency) for this data... it will most likely be required in order for clearing houses as the agencies have (apparently) recently made changes to "demand" this information. If any of these fields are empty, the electronic invoice will most assuredly be rejected under these circumstances. (Note: You could already do this by using the pipe character in previous versions (see below).)
  • Fixed: When more than one country is configured, for example USA and Canada, and a the group address is set to use Canada as a country, the state (province) isn't remembered when opening the group settings (display issue).
  • Fixed: When more than one country is configured and one of those is Canada, the station address was not presenting a list of provinces similar to the group address.
  • Added preliminary support for the EZ-Automation automation system.
  • Modified: To prevent the inadvertent reconciliation of a log that has yet to happen, the Begin Reconciliation menu (and button) are no longer enabled for logs that could not have aired yet (today).


  • Removed: Voice, Cart #, Copy Name and ISCI Code from the Log bump and make good lists since these columns never contain any information.
  • Fixed: An error occurs when entering a debit adjustment and leaving the station set to "Any". Debit adjustments must have a station selected; "Any" is not valid and should not be available as a selection.
  • Modified: Updated the text on the user window regarding roles so that it clearly states that these roles only need to be configured for people actually signing into and using the system.
  • Added: The system will, for those configured to export the log to an automation system that supports 'assisted reconciliation', will notify via the dashboard that the aired log path is not configured. Additionally, will check and notify via the dashboard when configured for an automation system that requires 'categories' if there currently aren't any categories configured.
  • Fixed: Under some circumstances the email address isn't being updated "behind the scenes" in Premier 2013.
  • Modified: To allow support (officially) for "LIVE" for SS32 automation. Up until now, these were exported as "DA0000" and will now be exported as "DALIVE". It has been reported to us by some SS32 clients that this will cause the automation system to "just stop" upon encountering the event. If this is not desired, use "0000" instead and please let us know if we were misinformed.


  • Fixed: When using SS32 or WideOrbit automation systems, locking a log under certain conditions would cause the application to exit.
  • Modified: When using SS32 or WideOrbit automation systems, locking a log with invalid and/or missing cart numbers now displays a message as a warning and uses DA0000 as a default so that the log can complete the export process.


  • Fixed: When using the File/Close menu on the Dashboard, settings, "remember me", etc. was not persisting properly.
  • Removed the system tray icon from the Windows task bar.
  • Further improvement to performance related to the Billing module.
  • The Billing module now supports Check All / Uncheck All functionality taking into account filters.
  • The Billing module now displays a ( ? ) while it is retrieving information from the database for each tab.
  • Improved performance related to the Email Statements and Print Statements windows.
  • Improved performance related to all Make Good windows.
  • Fixed: Applying a template containing a must-fill avail to a log not saving.
  • Enhanced the contract line item so that start and end times that produce and invalid range (start greater than end) will now produce error hints accordingly.
  • Fixed: Duplicate contract not saving rotation(s) if they are not further manipulated prior to saving the duplicated contract.


  • Fixed: Adding write on spots during log reconciliation not correctly highlighting the newly added entry.
  • Fixed: Adjusting print margins from print preview and setting the margin to .number; upon pressing the ., application closes.
  • Fixed: Modifying the end date of an off air revenue line item by typing part of a date and then mouse clicking on the down button to display the calendar causing an exception.
  • Fixed: Gracefully handling scenarios where placement level is "blank" causing exception to occur when updating the line item display on the contract window.
  • Modified all EDI related orders that also have an Estimate # so that the formatting of the Estimate # conforms to what the agencies are requiring with regards to Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code (see below).
  • Modified behavior of the A/R window to reflect the effective end date of an invoice rather than the billing end date.
  • Modified statements so that the date of an invoice reflects the effect end date instead of the billing end date.
  • Improved the performance related to opening the Billing module by optimizing the calculation of spots of spots counts to only consider invoices that are not already finalized.


  • Fixed: Unable to add a 'write on spot' to a reconciled log.


  • Fixed: Logs could not be reversed as Administrator role.


  • Fixed: Logs could not be committed (reconciled) after edits were made and before saving those changes.
  • Fixed: Report columns not being restored properly.


  • Improvements to the logon and logoff process.
  • Introducing the new and improved "dashboard"; think of the boxes as a "todo" list that works to assist you in keeping on top of things that need to get done.
  • Overall improvements to performance across logon, logoff, dashboard, the contracts window, all reports, etc.
  • Improved the background processing of OAR invoicing, finance charges and log generation.
  • Modified how updates to the What’s New are displayed.
  • Changes to Make Goods to handle “missing rate/revenue values”.
  • Modified Log window so that the time columns are compared as times instead of dates.
  • Added support for handling the automatic fill of specified satellite avails (MustFill).
  • Added ability to specify the “command timeout”; this controls how long requests to the database server will wait for an answer. A smaller number is desired; however, there may be times that a larger number is necessary, but this should be the exception, not the norm. The number entered is in seconds and the default is 15.
  • Added Check All, Uncheck All context menu support to the Make Good window.
  • Modified warning in Log window when locking a log to better reflect the situation where an automation system is selected and the path is blank.
  • Modified printed invoices so that “spots” that don’t have copy are still treated as spots.


  • Removed message about compatibility issues with 125% (non-default of 96 DPI) Windows settings from startup.
  • Fixed issue where, when creating a new user, the software would exit.
  • Modified layout of User window so that exclamation marks are not overlapping fields.
  • When creating a new user, the Active checkbox is now checked by default.
  • Changed "Email..." to "Email" context menu on Contracts and Invoices since no further actions are necessary as the "..." infers there is "more to do".
  • Fixed issue where the Select Report windows menu could, inadvertently, be detached.
  • Renamed Escrow to None on all reports that have Station and Revenue Type filters.
  • Modified all reports so that the Revenue Source and Sales Person filters includes None as the first item in the list.
  • Modified the customer window by placing the contact field into the contact tab.
  • Modified the rotation window to better reflect circumstances where the rotation is no longer "usable" due to length changes on the order line item(s).
  • Modified EDI documents related to Estimate # so that this field is used as a three part representation for Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product (not to be confused with "Product") Code. These values are determined by the agency of the order. To combine into the Estimate # (contract header), enter in estimate, advertiser and product codes using the pipe character to delimit the values. There must be three values in the Estimate # in order for any of them to export to the EDI document; even if the value between the pipe character is blank.
  • Modified the logon window so that the version number is visible to assist support in determining which product is installed to better diagnose "invalid username/password" messages.


  • General updates to fine tune sending/receiving data to/from the server(s).
  • Added additional support to gracefully handle situations where desiring to print an invoice with no line items.
  • Modified the overall layout of a debit adjustment.
  • Modified the multi-step transaction process related to saving/updating an orders/rotations, formats, logs and invoices.
  • Fixed an issue where the Order List report was not correctly refreshing when changing the Period value.
  • Fixed issue related to entering a date where, for example, typing in "08" and then immediately clicking the down arrow expansion to view the calendar would cause an exception (Copy, A/R Statement, Effective Date, Order Spot/OAR Line Items, Rotation, Reports).
  • Fixed in issue where when reordering the rotation entries on an order the end time is incorrectly reset to 00:00:00.
  • Modified how the "lock" icon is active in relationship to invalid copy when initially opening a log that has missing copy.


  • Modified EDI documents to include the TAX information if the associated order/invoice has tax applied.


  • Resolved an issue where under some very specific circumstances the separation rules were being ignored if using repeated automatic placement actions on the log editor.


  • Removed "Escrow" from the Revenue Source, Revenue Type and Sales Person lists on all reports. Payments/Adjustments that are is "escrow" will inherit the properties of the client for reporting purposes.
  • Updated the Aging and Reconciliation Detail reports to reflect the inherited Revenue Source, Revenue Type and Sales Person on the client for "escrow" payments/adjustments.
  • Added ability to (optionally) select a station when entering a payment/adjustment. If you only have a single station, the station will automatically be selected. If you have multiple stations, "Escrow" is the default value. When left as "Escrow", the payment/adjustment can be applied to an invoice belonging to any station. If, however, you select a specific station for this payment/adjustment, the payment/adjustment can *ONLY* be applied to an invoice belonging to that station.
  • Modified the "Process" button on the "Pay" billing tab to honor specific station selection on payments/adjustments.
  • Modified how the "prior balance" import processes records so that Debit Adjustments are created instead of Invoices.
  • Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the inventory report would generate an exception when run using the percentage (unit or time) and certain information was filtered.


  • Modified how the delete key works when managing copy, will highlight the next item in the list instead of the previous upon deleting the currently selected item.
  • Added log information to the printed log summary.
  • Added ability to export confirmations, invoices and 'printed' logs to Adobe PDF and Windows RTF formats.
  • Added support for Playbox Technologies Air Box automation.
  • Added support for Jazler Radio Star 2 automation.
  • Added View->Refresh to Billing.
  • Moved View->Invalid Co-Op Scripts to Reports->Invalid Co-Op Scripts on the Billing window.
  • Added Email over SSL support.


  • Added ability to export log to PDF.
  • Corrected issue where, under some circumstances, an error would occur when attempting to open the email statements window.


We've put together a video that illustrates the Automatic Summarization feature being demonstrated using the Revenue Projection Detail report as an example. The feature is available on nearly every report. Please set aside two minutes to watch the video so you can start leveraging this feature. Watch...


Some of the mentioned items may only be available as option packs and add-ons and are available to customers who have purchased these enhancements. If you have any questions, please feel free to follow up with customer service or your sales representative.

Prior Changes


  • Extended the timeout setting for log reconciliation.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented log reconciliation when automation system is set to None.
  • Replaced Dashboard icons with new and improved versions.
  • Replaced all Administration icons with new and improved versions.
  • Moved the "copy manager" (Copy) from the Administration windows to the Dashboard.
  • Added Billing icon to the Dashboard. This icon combines the "Invoice Manager" and statement printing into a single window; removing the need to go into A/R in order to do the billing process (approve, print, email, export invoices and print/email statements).
  • Removed the "Invoice Manager", "Print Statements" and "Email Statements" from A/R; now accessed through the Billing icon from the dashboard.
  • Renamed "Administration" to "Settings".
  • Moved the Tools->Email Settings menu to "Settings".
  • Removed "do you want to print this confirmation now" question whenever creating/modifying orders.
  • Added capability to print all confirmations using the Tools->Print Confirmations menu item on the Orders window.
  • Added capability to email all confirmations using the Tools->Email Confirmations menu item on the Orders window (requires email address associated with respective customer).
  • Replaced Tools->Batch Print Invoices with new UI that facilitates printing any and all invoices that can be printed/re-printed.
  • Fixed an issue with OAR when changing the date and then selecting "Once" reverting to "Once Per Day".
  • Added Ecrow as a station, sales person, revenue source and revenue type to all reports to provide a means to easily filter for this type of money.
  • Extended the timeout duration when loading the invoices for the Billing window.


  • Modified Log Editor to prompt/remind you about reconciling logs. If any logs that can be reconciled have not, this message will display reminding you. If you select Yes, it will open the next log to be reconciled. Selecting No will open the next "working" log.
  • Added product, order header comment and start/end times to Order Confirmations.
  • Minor layout and display tweaks to the Order entry screens.
  • Modified Group dialog so that the Report Override address re-loaded correctly.
  • Modified Orders so that the rotation New button is only available if valid copy exists.
  • Modified Invoice Manager so that MyView state is saved between sessions.
  • Modified SMARTS log export to better support merging avails followed by automation commands where the first there are no automation commands prior to the first avail of an hour.


  • Enhanced the billing process by introducing the "Invoice Manager". The Invoice Manager completely replaces the "Pending Invoices" process and introduces "task lists". Each task list made available through tabs and the tasks are: gathering, pending, pay, print, email, edi and open. The gathering and open tasks are for information purposes only while the others are designed to reduce the overall effort of billing. Pending tab contains all invoices that are ready to be finalized (posted). Select one or more and click the Process button to post these invoices. Now that you have invoices posted, the pay tab (possibly) shows all invoices associated with customers that have a credit balance (pre-payments). Select one or more and click the Process button to have the system automatically apply these credits to invoices in a oldest exact match / oldest available (two-pass) per invoice in order of invoice end date. Now that payments have been applied, use the print tab to print all invoices that are waiting to be printed. The email tab contains all invoices that are waiting to be emailed (each entry will be removed upon successfully sending the invoice to your configured email server). The edi tab contains all invoices that are ready to be exported and eventually uploaded to your EDI service provider.
  • Corrected an issue related to SMARTS reconciliation as-play import.


  • Added Electronic Delivery of Invoices.
  • Emailed invoices are now individually "flagged" as being emailed. This flag will be reset if the invoice is reversed.
  • EDI invoices are now individually "flagged" as being exported. This flag will be reset if the invoice is reversed.
  • Changed Finance Charge to Finance Charge (APR) on the Customer dialog.
  • Added custom sum capability to the Inventory report's Type = Sold/Unsold and Sold/Total.
  • Added "Assign station(s) and permission(s) (access to the system) for this user." comment to the Member Of / Role tab on the User dialog.
  • Modified the Role list (Member Of / Role tab on the User dialog) to only show roles that are available depending on product level and/or Option Packs and Add-Ons.
  • Enhanced Off-Air Revenue dialog by adding "Once" to Frequency. Changed Daily, Weekly and Monthly to Once Per Day, Once Per Week (every Monday) and Once Per Month (the 24th).
  • Added Modified as a Period to the Order List report.
  • Added processing notification to all reports while it is processing the information after retrieving data from the server.
  • Added priormonth, month and nextmonth tokens to order comment; when printing invoices, these will be replaced by the appropriate month name.
  • Modified printed log so that log notes no longer print a length of 0:00.
  • Removed the "Note" field from the Log Note dialog since it was not used, thus causing confusion. "Description" is what prints on the log.
  • Modified transactions so that the state of a customers A/R is verified before attempting to save additions/changes. If any changes to the customers A/R have occurred during the process, the process will be aborted in an effort to prevent data corruption. A notice stating this is presented when and if this occurs.
  • Renamed and moved Accounts Receivable Aging and Accounts Receivable Aging (by Month) to their own report category (Aging); removing the Accounts Receivable portion from their names.


  • Initial public release.

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