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Page History: Automation System: BSI OP-X

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Page Revision: 2019/04/22 11:16



WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.


RadioTraffic.com converts to a specific BSI OP-X log format.

Station Configuration

To configure RadioTraffic.com to work with BSI Simian, you will first need modify the station configuration to utilize BSI Simian as the automation system. In the administration module, open 'Stations'. Select the station you want to configure and double click. Once the station configuration is visible, select the 'Files' tab. Select the 'Product' to BSI Simian using the drop down selection tool. The 'Automation Log Path' is where RadioTraffic.com will export the log to, so set this to the file system folder that BSI Simian will pull the file from.

Cart Numbers

BSI OP-X system can use 5 digit alpha-numeric cart numbers.

Automation Commands

Unknown at this time

Log Notes

Log Notes are currently not expo


Programs are currently not exported.

Log Reconciliation

We also support automatic log reconciliation for the BSI OP-X as-aired logs. To configure this feature, you need to determine where these files are located on your network and use that path to configure the "Aired Log Path".

The file name is expected to be YYMMDD.lg ; YY is two digit year, MM is two digit month and DD is two digit day.

Additionally, make sure you configure BSI OP-X as follows

  • The columns are processed as follows: (Note: The columns are numbered starting at 0.)
    • Time (column 1) - The time in HH:MM:SS format.
    • Cart # (column 5) - The cart number that will be matched on the Log.
    • Description (column 7) - This isn't actually used in the reconciliation, but rather as a friendly way to communicate what was found on the as-play file that is not on the Log as a reference to the User.
    • Spots (column 10) -
    • Other - The other columns are not used for reconciliation purposes.


TODO Add any questions as they come up to this section.

Additional Information

For more info please check out the BSI OP-X manual:

BSI OP_X Manual