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Page Revision: 2009/05/01 10:26

Privacy Policy

Customer privacy is very important to us. Simply put: our customers remain the sole owners of the data they provide.

Time-series data and collective forecasts

Each RadioTraffic.com customer can store data in their RadioTraffic.com account. We consider that this data is the property of our customers. We may disclose this data to 3rd parties either for technical reasons (such as database backup) or as the result of legal decisions. RadioTraffic.com adheres to a policy of fair use of its customer data. The customer data will not be sold or disclosed to any third party for any commercial purpose without prior concent.

However, you should be aware that your data will be used anonymously to improve the usage of other RadioTraffic.com customers. This is one of RadioTraffic.com's core technologies. We believe that this technology is fair for two strong reasons. First, the data synergy process is a very indirect process that happens internally in RadioTraffic.com. The other RadioTraffic.com customers do not have access to your data. Second, the process is symmetric: the data of the other RadioTraffic.com customers is used to improve your usage as well.

If you believe that your data are too sensitive to be entrusted to RadioTraffic.com's care, then we suggest that you discuss this with your sales person.


All access to the RadioTraffic.com systems (application, website and web services) is password protected. It is the users' responsibility to safeguard and protect their login information.

Nominative Information

RadioTraffic.com will not sell, rent or share any user data in a personally identifiable form with any third party without your express permission. As a business service, RadioTraffic.com does not target its offerings at, and does not knowingly collect any personal information from underage users.

Accessing and revising your contact information

If you need to update or change your registration information, you can do so directly through your RadioTraffic.com account (log in and go to the Administration section). If you choose to cancel your registration and drop RadioTraffic.com services, please be aware that RadioTraffic.com may retain residual information for a limited amount of time (typically in the backup copies of our databases).