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Page Revision: 2010/12/20 10:29

Private Edition

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We've put together a video that illustrates the Automatic Summarization feature being demonstrated using the Revenue Projection Detail report as an example. The feature is available on nearly every report. Please set aside two minutes to watch the video so you can start leveraging this feature. Watch...



  • Corrected an issue where an exception would occur when adding a program directly to the log.


  • Replaced log editing functionality related to automation commands, breaks, log notes and programs regarding individual add/editing dialogs so that editing time and length are more flexible in the log editor.
  • Added ability to double click on log elements (automation commands, breaks, log notes and programs) to bring up the modify element windows in the log editor.
  • Added the ability to use the delete key to remove items from the log editor.
  • Added the ability to use the enter key to view/modify items on the log editor.
  • Replaced message regarding a break can not be removed due to containing one or more spots.
  • Replaced message verifying if you want to remove a log element to better reflect requested action on the log editor.
  • Handled an issue more gracefully where under some circumstances an error would occur regarding editing of existing orders and getting an error due to the schedule type not being set.
  • Found an issue where, under some circumstances, the rotation "next" may not be set and causing the copy to not be assigned when locking the log.


  • An issue was discovered that required the log to be saved/reloaded before adding spots to breaks if a template was applied that replaced the first item on the log. The need to save/reload the log is no longer required.
  • Corrected an issue where duplicating an order wasn't modifying the start dates of line items in all cases.
  • Modified how the expected spot count is stored with regards to pending orders so that approval doesn't require opening the line item to update the "Qty" column prior to pressing "OK"/"Apply" to commit approval. beta
  • Modified how "Calendar" schedules are modified with regards to cancelling an order item before it started so that it no longer wipes clean the schedule. beta
  • Modified the tab order between the "Schedule" selection and the "Calendar" button when selecting "Daily" and then pressing the Tab key. beta
  • Enhanced "Duplicate" of an order line item so that the "Daily" schedule is also duplicated. beta


  • More changes to support changes necessary for features related to order entry that will be coming very soon. beta


  • Even more changes to several features related to order entry that will be coming soon. beta


  • Further changes have been applied to the order entry windows to better accommodate different scheduling types (Weekly and SPW available now), as well as, additional "plumbing" changes to support a handful of other features that are currently being worked on. beta


  • Modified behavior of editing automation commands on templates to support modifying the length.
  • Gracefully handling an issue found where the A/R list for a customer causes an error when loaded due to the station being "blank".
  • Modified the Reconciliation Detail report so that the Agency Commission for the report period matches the agency commission reported on the Invoice Detail report for the same reporting period (instead of being an "all time" total).


  • Modified how debit adjustments are displayed on the Reconciliation Detail report when multiple payments are applied to the debit adjustment and they are identical amounts. Debit adjustments now display as DR (nnnn-n) debit adjustment numbers instead of just DR.
  • Modified A/R so that debit adjustments are displayed as white in the debit column, not the credit column (like all other adjustments).
  • Modified A/R so that the debit/credit columns are summed.
  • Added View->Reset menu item to A/R.
  • Enhanced web browser functionality to handle the possibility that a web browser is not "registered" with the operating system.
  • Enhanced the printing of the reconciliation (did not reconcile list) so that the station and date are included. (Thanks Katie.)


  • Corrected an issue that occured under some circumstances with regards to calculating the monthly numbers on the payment history report.
  • Enhanced order window to allow the tax field being available when in correction mode.
  • Modified behavior of calculating the summary information on the order item window whenever the start and / or end date changes. beta


  • Resolved an issue that caused EmailMyTimes to not be sent to sales managers and sales people under some circumstances.


  • Corrected an issue where transactions being added are not displayed correctly in all columns of the A/R transaction window.
  • Several changes have been applied to the order entry windows to better accommodate different scheduling types (Weekly and SPW available now). beta


  • Modified template editor to account for modifying an existing break so that it can be placed at 00:00:00 and be 00:00 in length.
  • Major changes implemented in statement generation to support Balance Forward, Open Item, Finance Charges and Split Statements in various combinations.
  • Handled an issue that would exist under certain circumstances regarding working with rotations.
  • Handled an issue that would cause an error when incorrectly including customers in the print statement list that have order activity but have never had any a/r entries. Activity for purposes of statement printing has been modified to now be any recent a/r activity or any order activity where they've had any prior a/r activity.
  • Corrected an issue where making changes to an approved off air revenue line item (using the Edit context menu item) would cause an error.
  • Modified order confirmations so that off air revenue line items do not print time, length and schedule columns.
  • Modified order confirmations so that, when used, tax is only printed if tax amount is greater than 0 (instead of just being based on tax percentage begin greater than 0).
  • Modified behavior of the Adjustment Detail report to better reflect transactions as they exist in A/R. Most transactions are now in the credit column; while Debit Adjustments are in the debit column and are no longer zero'd out due to being "paid".
  • Added station, revenue source, revenue type and sales person to the Audit Trail report as optional columns.


  • Modified copy editing so that the length field is disabled whenever the copy has placed on a log. Once copy is used, the length can no longer be changed without destroying the break lengths; so this copy can no longer have its length changed. If changing the length is required to correct a problem going forward, duplicate the copy or reverse the log(s) and edit any rotations that use the copy to correct the discrepancy.
  • Corrected issue that prevented using some types of lengths when editing breaks and programs on the template editor.
  • Modified the write on mechanism used during log reconciliation so that it no longer requires saving the log in order for the available spots in the write on list to be updated.
  • Modified duplicating of an order and create order from a package to automatically remove any item(s) that are made invalid due to using a different date than when the original was designed. A message is displayed alerting you when this occurs.
  • Modified duplicating of an order to allow, when changing the line items station that the rotations allow the changing of stations as well.
  • Modified duplicating of an order so that rotation(s) and copy item(s) are handled more appropriately based on the date being changed.
  • Added a "Order #" column to the Revenue Projection Detail report. (Thanks Ivaree.)
  • Changed behavior of "Open Item" statements based on feedback. (Thanks Debbie.)
  • Modified export to EDI to support invalid filename characters by replacing them with the underscore character.


  • Added the "help" button to several other windows including the Dashboard, Orders, Accounts Receivable, Logs, Group, Station, User and Customer.
  • Modified email sending to support "on behalf of" functionality to work around issues some customers have experienced sending emails by proxy. This should also increase compliance with regards to SPAM filters.
  • Modified EmailMyTimes so that the "from" address is the actual sender when sending emails to sales and sales managers. Emails sent to customers has changed so that it supports the "on behalf of" model.


  • Enhanced the "length" entry field editing capabilities to support appending the letter m or h to represent the number being whole minutes or hours as a shortcut to entering mm:00 or hh:00:00.
  • Modified the templated editor so that when adding a program, the OK button will become enabled prior to pressing the Tab key (assuming all the entry fields are valid).
  • SmartView enabled the transaction dialog (payments / adjustments) and added the ability to select Station as a custom column.
  • Corrected an issue that occurs whenever the Order List report is reset and the from date is "blank".
  • Added a "help" button to the email settings window that will open the default web browser and browse directly to the email settings portion of the manual. You can find this help button in the upper right hand corner of the email settings window (next to the X button).
  • Added a "help" button to the report selection window that will open the default web browser and browse directly to the reports portion of the manual.


  • Added ability to select between Balance Forward and Open Item type of statements on the customer configuration. (Limited Availability).
  • Modified the log export for AV-Sat based on AudioVault and customer feedback.


  • Added the from address to the information being written to the event log when processing email.
  • Limited preview of some of the changes coming to statements; particular to this release is the ability to select between balance forward (default) and open item as the type of invoice to be printed.


  • Modified the loading of the log to check to see if the log is currently opened by the same user account. If so, it will prompt that it is opened and allow the user to continue loading the log if they answer yes to the question regarding are you sure that this user account isn't being used on another computer so that the log can continue to load under circumstances where the log was closed improperly due to power outage, computer rebooting, etc.


  • Resolved a couple of minor issues discovered in our testing.


  • Resolved an issue when, under certain circumstances, adding a new payment would not allow you to immediately apply the payment until after you applied. (Thanks Shea and Linda.)
  • Resolved an issue when, under certain circumstances, changing the override start date on an off-air revenue entry would not immediately enable the OK button. (Thanks Carol.)


  • Modified the copy editor so that extraneous spacing and tabs at the end of each line are automatically filtered.
  • It appears that menu replacement on the log editor caused the CTRL+S (summary view) to stop working. This has been corrected. (Thanks Darlene.)
  • Resolved an issue that could happen, under certain circumstances, when viewing the log summary from the log editor. (Thanks Darlene.)
  • Resolved an issue, that occurs rarely, when repeatedly performing a View->Reset on a report.


  • When adding a new adjustment other than debit adjustment (and pressing apply), it is no longer possible to select debit adjustment from the type list.
  • Made improvements to the template editors add break, log note, program and automation command dialogs.
  • Beginning and committing reconciliation no longer require that you "save the log"; saving the log is now done automatically.
  • CAUTION: Group Administrators can now "fix" billing cycle using order "correction-mode". Doing so will reverse *all* related invoices, payments and/or adjustments and rebuild *all* related invoices.
  • CAUTION: Group Administrators can now "fix" a reconciled log by reversing the reconciliation process. Doing so will reverse *all* related invoices, payments and/or adjustments.
  • CAUTION: Group Administrators can now "fix" duplicate customers by merging multiple customers data (orders, invoices, payments, adjustments, etc.). This can be done from the Administration icon, Customers list editor. Right click on a customer that you'd like to merge to another customer. You'll be prompted to selected the customer to merge to. This process can not be reversed.


  • The private edition now has it's own "News" feed.
  • Added ability to jump directly to the forums from the dashboard (Main Menu->View->Forums).
  • Gracefully handling mis-configuration issue(s) when running RT in Windows XP within Apple OSX via Parallels.
  • Gracefully handling mis-configuration issue(s) when running RT on Windows Server 2008 R2 through Citrix.
  • Based on customer feedback, modified the BSI Simian log export.


  • Added "other" spots (Bumped, Trashed) to the new After Aired report. You can use filters to exclude them if you do not wish to include them when printing.
  • Various tweaks and enhancements to new features based on customer feedback regarding the public 1023 release.


  • Modified the log editors load dialog so that it no longer requires the month/year selection; it is now just a "big list" (per station).
  • Replaced the log editor's menu, toolbar and summary bar so that they can be skinned.
  • Replaced the log editor's rotation assignment dialog so that it is now skinned and SmartViews enabled.
  • The log summary dialog has been enhanced so that it now applies conflict color codes, includes breaks, log notes, automation commands, empty breaks, etc.
  • Added the ability to view/edit log templates directly from the log editor using the Tools/Templates menu item.