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Page Revision: 2009/03/10 09:09

This guide serves to assist you in getting up and running in as little time as possible.

In order to hit the ground running, you'll need to have a few things figured out prior to actually using/learning the software. These are:

  • Organize daily formats (log structure) for Monday through Sunday into a list containing event start time, event category (break, program, automation command and log note), duration and how many units (breaks).
  • Gather commission list for sales people. For example 10%, 15%, 17%, etc. At this point you also should put together a list of sales people along with their related commission amounts.
  • Gather commission list for agencies. For example 5%, 7%, 10%, etc.
  • Put together a table containing your main daypart schedule. For example 6am-10am, 10am-3pm, 3pm-7pm, etc.
  • Organize a list of any additional daypart schedules you might want to use for entering TAP orders.
  • Precure an example of your automation log in the event that RadioTraffic.com would need to create a custom automation log export for your automation system (we already support the most common, so this may not be necessary).

Now that you've got this information in hand, you can really get the ball rolling to get your first days log built, exported and on the air. To do this, here is a general overview of the tasks to be performed:

  • Install the software (following the Installation guide).
  • Log On ( if you do not already have an account).
  • Open the Administration -> Formats editor and create the formats for Monday through Sunday. The first thing you see when you open this will be an empty editing surface. This surface allows you to build a template/format. On the left hand side you'll see a palette of items that can be added to the template surface. You will need to add items to the palette in order to create your format. To do this you can either right click on each palette type and select New... or use the Log Elements main menu item to open editors for the Breaks, Automation Commands, Log Notes or Program Names.
  • Open the Administration -> Users.
    • Press the New... button to start adding a new sales person.
    • Enter their username, password, first name, last name and any additional information you'd like.
    • Select the Member Of / Role tab and select the stations that the user is associated with along with any permission information for each a station.
    • Select the Commission tab and modify the sales persons commission accordingly. If the commission type you'd like is not showing in the list, you can right click on the Commission Type label and add a New one.
  • Open Orders. At this point you may not have any customers in the list. In order to create an order, you'll need to first create the customer. To do so, right click in the customer list area and select New.... This will open the customer editor that allows you to define the customer. Enter in all the appropriate information. If this is an agency customer, you'll most likely need to add the related agency. To do this, you can right click on the Agency label and select New.... The information on the Scheduling tab is related to how orders will be created (defaults), how the orders will be scheduled on the log and how said orders will be billed. The Copy tab is used to attach copy (text) to the customer. It's not important to do this here as it can be done during the actual order process on the Rotation tab when you are defining how copy will be associated with each order.
  • Open the Log editor, select the first Available log in the list and verify that the order is scheduled and looks good. You can move the order from one break to another. Play around with this a bit. Once satisfied, use the File->Lock menu item to lock the log. You can now Export the log to verify that it works with your automation system.

At this point, you should be able to load the log into your automation system. Once all this is verified, go back to the log editor and unlock the log. Continue adding the necessary orders for the first day you'd like to go live; once finished, lock the log, export it and you should be good to go.