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Page History: Report: Aged Receipts/Adjustments

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Page Revision: 2017/05/15 12:16

Report: Aged Receipts/Adjustments

The aged receipts/adjustments report provides ...(TODO)... for the selected report period.

This report is launched from the Reports window.


  • Period
    • Custom Dates
    • Last Week
    • This Week
    • Next Week
    • Last Broadcast Week
    • This Broadcast Week
    • Next Broadcast Week
    • Last Month
    • Last Month To Date
    • This Month
    • This Month To Date (Default)
    • Next Month
    • Last Year
    • Last Year To Date
    • This Year
    • This Year To Date
    • Next Year

Main Body

Standard Columns

  • Station - See Station.
  • Sales Person - See SalesPerson.
  • Customer - See Customer.
  • InvNum - (TODO)
  • InvDate - (TODO)
  • Date - (TODO)
  • Amount - (TODO)
  • Type - (TODO)
  • Description - (TODO)

Additional Columns

This window is MyViews enabled.

Additional Information