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Page History: Report: Broadcast Accrual

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Page Revision: 2017/05/16 16:49

Report: Broadcast Accrual

The broadcast accrual report provides details related to the unbilled spots that will be billed next billing cycle that transpire during the calendar portion of the broadcast invoices for the selected report period.

This report is launched from the Reports window.


  • Period
    • Month Before Last 5
    • Month Before Last 4
    • Month Before Last 3
    • Month Before Last 2
    • Month Before Last 1
    • Last Month (Default)
    • This Month



  • Station - See Station.
  • Customer - See Customer.
  • Revenue Source - See RevenueSource.
  • Invoice # - The invoice number where the gross/net amount exists.
  • Gross - Gross amount.
  • Net - Net amount.



Monthly Accrual

In order to determine your monthly accrual numbers after billing has completed; you will need to run the Invoice report, subtract the number from the prior months Broadcast Accrual report and add the Broadcast Accrual numbers for the current billing month. Following these steps will yield the invoiced amounts that are limited to the current billing calendar period.


I ran this report last month using this criteria; running the report using the same criteria I have different amounts. Why?

RT is a real-time system; if you make changes to prior months information and rerun the report for the same period, the changes will be reflected on the newly run report. In other words, the reason for the change to the amounts is because you made changes to the amounts.

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