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Report: Contract

This report can be launched from the Reports window.

The Contract report provides details related Contracts entered into the system.

This report is launched from the Reports window.


  • Period
    • Running
      By default, the report filters to list of Contracts to those that are actively running between the two dates specified.
    • All
      Effectively removes any date filter and includes each and every Contract ever put into the system.
  • From
    The start date to use when filtering (reduce) the retrieved data.
  • To
    The end date to use when filtering (reduce) the retrieved data.

This window is MyViews enabled.



  • Customer - See Customer.
  • Contract - Contract number.
  • Start Date - The Contract effective start date (determined based on the Contract line items).
  • End Date - The Contract effective end date (determined based on the Contract line items).
  • Revenue (g) - The gross revenue of the Contract.
  • Units - The number of spots scheduled on the Contract.


  • Agency - See Agency.
  • Agency % - See Agency.
  • Approved - The date the Contract was approved.
  • Approved By - The person that approved the Contract.
  • Billing Cycle - The billing cycle of the Contract.
  • Canceled - The date the Contract was canceled.
  • Canceled By - The person who canceled the Contract.
  • Comment - The comment on the Contract header.
  • Created - The date the Contract was originally created.
  • Created By - The person who originally created the Contract.
  • Discount % - The discount entered on the Contract.
  • Estimate # - The estimate number entered on the Contract.
  • Invoice Type - The target Invoice type configured for the Contract.
  • Modified - The date this Contract was last modified.
  • Modified By - The person who last modified this Contract.
  • P.Conflict - The primary Conflict entered on the Contract.
  • Product - The product entered on the Contract.
  • Purchase Order # - The purchase order number entered on the Contract.
  • Revenue (n) - The total net revenue of the Contract.
  • Revenue Source - The RevenueSource entered on the Contract.
  • Revenue Type - The RevenueType entered on the Contract.
  • S. Conflict - The secondary Conflict entered on the Contract.
  • Sales % - The SalesCommission percentage entered on the Contract.
  • Sales Person - The SalesPerson entered on the Contract.
  • Station - The Station or Stations that the Contract targets.
  • Status - The current status of the Contract.
  • Trashed - How many spots (units), if any, are canceled/trashed.
  • Trashed$ - The amount of money related to the canceled/trashed spots, if any.
  • TFN - Whether or not this Contract is "TFN".


Examples 1

Is there a report that we may run that will give us the contract numbers that have been revised?

If you use the Contract column and the related filter (see MyViews), you can filter the column to anything that contains a period (.) character. This will filter the information to just Contracts that have a period in the Contract number. All Contracts that have been revised are automatically numbered in such a way that there is a period character followed by the revision number.

If you just want to see the Contracts that are the "originals", but have been revised; set the filter to period followed by zero (".0"). All the original Contracts are automatically set to a revision of 0. Contracts that have not been revised do not include the "dot revision" notation.

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