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Page Revision: 2017/10/13 14:20

Report: Copy

The Copy Report shows all columns that are in the copy tab. For use to print information pertaining to copy.

This report can be launched from the Reports window.


Please be sure to review the Reports page for common functionality shared by the majority of our reports.


  • Period
    • Today

  • Date window



  • Cart - Cart number.
  • Name - Customer name.
  • Length - Length of cart.
  • Ad-ID - The Ad-ID if it has one.
  • Start Date - Cart's start date.
  • End Date- Cart's end date (Left blank if TFN).
  • Station - The Station the cart is assigned to.
  • Status - The Cart's status. (Ok, Archived...)

Additional Columns

  • Fill - Checkbox yes/no if the cart is used in Fill.
  • Note - Any note on cart.
  • Owner - The Owner of the Customer the cart is assigned to.

Additional Information