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Page Revision: 2017/10/13 14:24



WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.

Reports allow you to access your data in multiple ways to track Station performance. You may or may not be able to access all reports depending on the level of package you have purchased from RadioTraffic. If you see a report that is not available with your current package, contact our sales team to discuss how you can upgrade your account to access those reports.


We strive to create a consistent user experience throughout the reports so that you only have to learn how to use features once and be able to apply them across every report. The following concepts are in effect across all of the reports.


We strive to reach a goal where each and every report is fast. When designing our reports, this goal is kept at the top of the list and is only deviated from when absolutely necessary.


All of our reports are designed keeping the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) concept at the forefront. Rather than have you enter some information in a dialog and press "run report," we present you with a report immediately. You can then modify the criteria and have these changes (in most cases) become effective immediately. (Under some circumstances, you need to click on the "Click here to reload the report..." at the top of the report to reflect changes that could be initiated via several potentially conflicting changes.)


Under the View Tab in the Main Menu is the Favorites tab:


With this tab you can make your own list of favorites. You can go back and forth between your favorites reports page and the regular report page by clicking on the favorites tab.
EC If you open up your reports page and it appears empty, without any reports, click on the favorites tab and see if they come back.

  • To add a report, right click on the report, open up the context menu and left click to add report to favorites.

  • To remove a report from your favorites page, right click on the report, open up the context menu and left click to remove report from favorites.

The reports you move are still on the main page and this list is per computer.
EC If you log on with your name and password on a different computer with RT you will have the favorites that are set up on that computer.


MyViews allows you to add/remove columns, group by columns, rearrange columns, change sorting of visible columns (one or more) and filter the information through an easy to use interface.

For more information, review the MyViews documentation.

CS Premier will remember your MyViews settings for each and every individual report. Once you configure a report a certain way, including MyViews filters, everything will be the same the next time you launch the same report.

Auto Summarization

This feature is extremely powerful and exists across the majority of the reports. Automatic summarization is the process in which the report will automatically recalculate any summed columns based on the non-summed columns that are part of the report. This allows for a wide variety of summary reports that can be generated from a relatively small number of base reports; furthermore it would be a near impossibility for us to anticipate every possible variation, yet this feature goes a long way to deliver on those. Click here to see this in action.

Common UI

Main Menu

  • File
    • Print
      Prints the report as currently viewed.
    • Print Preview
      Print previews the report as currently viewed.
    • Close
      Closes the window.
  • View
    • Refresh
      Refreshes the data for the report.
    • Reset
      Resets the layout of the report back to "factory original".
  • Options
    • Insert Page Breaks
      When printing, it is possible to automatically insert a page break (new page) for every primary group of the report.

★ Feature not available in Essentials.

Simple Filters

The left hand pane of the report hosts several tabbed items. These are referred to as the Simple Filters; for the Advanced Filters, refer to the MyViews documentation.

These tabs usually include Revenue, Sales People, Customers and Stations (see below). These tabs will be available any time the related items are part of the report being executed. On each of these tabs includes a complete list of the related entities. A check mark on each item (the default) allows those items to be included in the report, while removing the check mark will filter that item out of the report.

Each list of items allows the usage of the context menu (available by right clicking using the mouse) which includes shortcuts for checking/unchecking the items in bulk.

These simple filters are reset every time you execute (open) the report.

Filter Tabs

  • Revenue
  • Sales People
    The Salespeople list contains all the Salespeople who are currently active. Additionally, an entry for None is included to handle circumstances where appropriate.
  • Customers
    The Customer filter contains all of the Customers that are active.
  • Stations
    The Stations filter contains all of the Stations configured in your database. Additionally, a Station of None is included to handle circumstances where the Station is blank or missing.

If you right click on any of these filters, the context menu associated provides several tools to quickly select (or not) the items you wish. All lists contain the following tools:

  • Check all
    Places a check mark next to all entries.
  • Uncheck all
    Removes the check mark next to all entries.
  • Toggle all
    Toggles the check mark next to all entries; those that are checked will now be unchecked and those that were unchecked will now be checked.

The RevenueType list includes a "Uncheck Trade" tool that can be used to filter out all RevenueTypes that are flagged as being trade. See RevenueType.

Column Headers

In order to provide the greatest amount of flexibility in the columns available balanced with minimizing the printed size (width) of the column, several columns are using a shorthand notation:

  • G - Gross.
  • N - Net.
  • E - Effective.
  • U - Units (spots).
  • X - Canceled/Trashed.
  • # - Count.
  • $ - Amount (money).

The gross (G) number represents the gross number as entered on the Contract before any cancelations.

The net (N) numbers represents the net amount as entered on the Contract before any cancelations.

The canceled/trashed (X) numbers correspond to the activity on a Contract where either spots were canceled/trashed (ie. MakeGoods) and/or the overall Contract was canceled/trashed.

The effective (E) numbers represent the result of the gross (G) or net (N) number minus the canceled/trashed (X) number. In other words, the overall current state of the Contract and what will be the result assuming no further additions/cancelations.











★ Feature not available in Essentials.

Table of Contents [Hide/Show]

      Auto Summarization
   Common UI
      Main Menu
      Simple Filters
      Column Headers