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Allow you to access your data in multiple ways to track station performance. You may or may not be able to access all reports depending on the level of package you have purchased from RadioTraffic. If you see a report that is not available with your current package, contact our sales team to discuss how you can upgrade your account to access those reports.


We strive to create a consistent user experience throughout the reports so that you only have to learn how to use features once and be able to apply them across every report. The following concepts are in effect across all of the reports.


All of our reports are designed keeping the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) concept at the forefront. Rather than have you enter some information in a dialog and press "run report", we present you with a report immediately. You can then modify the criteria and have these changes (in most cases) become effective immediately. (Under some circumstances, you need to click on the "Click here to reload the report..." at the top of the report to initiate the changes.)


MyViews allows you to add/remove columns, group by columns, rearrange columns, change sorting of visible columns (one or more) and filter the information through an easy to use interface.

For more information, review the MyViews documentation.

Auto Summarization

Most of the reports are enhanced to support the concept of automatic summarization. Automatic summarization is the process in which the report will automatically recalculate any summed columns based on the non-summed columns that are part of the report. This allows for a huge number of summary reports that would otherwise be impossible for us to anticipate. Click here to see this in action.

Simple Filters

The left hand pane of the report hosts several tabbed items. These are referred to as the Simple Filters; for the Advanced Filters, refer to the SmartViews documentation.

These tabs usually include Revenue, Sales People, Customers and Stations. These tabs will be available any time the related items are part of the report being executed. On each of these tabs includes a complete list of the related entities. A check mark on each item (the default) allows those items to be included in the report, while removing the check mark will filter that item out of the report.

Each list of items allows the usage of the context menu (available by right clicking using the mouse) which includes shortcuts for checking/unchecking the items in bulk.

Standard Reports

The following are the standard reports. There are several other reports that are available as part of optional features, please review the information specific to those optional features to find what report(s) are available.


Accounts Receivable Aging Detail

Details line items for each customer of the A/R balance as of the chosen date.

Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Detail

Tips and Hints

On the Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Detail report it is missing info that we need

If you don’t have a column you need do a right click on any column header area and choose Column Chooser and look for the columns you need, then drag them up to your column header area.

Detailed line items showing A/R activity for each customer in a chosen time period.

Unapplied Prepayment

Detail line item(s) for each payment (or portion of) still unapplied to invoice(s).



List of agencies.

Billing History

Billing history by month, by quarter or annually.


Details of each and every customer.

Payment History

Payment history by month, quarter or annually.



Estimates how much of your broadcast inventory is sold and/or unsold based on log templates and orders entered as of the date of the report.


After Aired

Print report showing customer spots on logs.

Log Detail

Details each item that invoiced per customer scheduled for logs during the report period. Includes individual times, rates, cart number, etc.

Log Time

Detail list of dates/times for each item that invoiced for each customer of what aired on logs during the report period.

Off Air Revenue Detail

Details off air revenue that will bill (or have billed) during the report period.


Order List

Summary of each order containing run dates, etc.

Order Confirmation

Prints multiple order confirmations filtered based on date, status and customer.

Average Spot Rate

Quick summary of average rate for spot(s) during specified date range.

Make Good

Details orders containing spots scheduled during the report period that need to be made good or trashed.


Revenue Projection

Details expected revenue up to the next 12 months based on approved orders.


Adjustment Detail

Detail line of the adjustments received during the report period; includes debit and credit amounts.

Aged Collections

Detail line of the payments received during the report period where amounts are shown based on the number of days between invoice collections.

Invoice Detail

Detail line of the invoices issued during the report period; includes gross, discount, agency commission, net, tax and sales commission.

Payment Detail

Detail line of the payments received during the report period; includes gross, discount, agency commission, net, tax and sales commission.

Premium Reports


Aged Receipts/Adjustments (Premium)

Report of receipts and adjustments based on days between invoices and completion.

Audit Trail (Premium)

Details all activity related to Accounts Receivable during a chosen time period.


User Usage (Premium)

Details individual user logon times, machine and duration.

Aired Fill Spots (Premium)

Details all fill spots that have aired (on logs) during the report period.

Bump (Premium)

Details all spots currently on the bump list during the report period.


Copy Assignment (Premium)

Shows orders that do and do not have copy assigned.

Invalid Order/Rotation (Premium)

Details orders during the report period that have missing and/or invalid rotations.


Goal (Premium)

Details sales goals on a per station / sales person basis.

Table of Contents [Hide/Show]

      Auto Summarization
      Simple Filters
   Standard Reports
   Tips and Hints
On the Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Detail report it is missing info that we need
   Premium Reports