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Page Revision: 2017/05/15 16:31

Rumple (Technical Details)



This page contains the technical (behind the scenes) details as related our integration with Rumple; as such, it is not intended to be use by our end-users.


The API currently available utilizes the HTTP GET protocol.


This HTTP GET script can be access via:



The following variables are currently available:

  • x (required) - The eXchanger; the third-party product using the API... in this case rumple.
  • g (required) - The group APPCODE; this is the APPCODE accessible from within the Group window (from the Dashboard using the Settings icon).
  • t (optional) - Type of data (see below).
  • f (optional) - Format of the data (see below).


  • Customers
    • cust (sample)
      Active customer list.
  • Billing History
    • billinit (sample)
      Overall billing history covering the active portion of this year plus all of the prior year using todays date as the pivot date.
    • billhist (sample)
      Billing history covering "last month" using todays date as the pivot date.
  • Projections
    • gproj (sample)
      Gross revenue projections for 3 months. The report generated will return 3 columns of projections using todays date as the pivot date numbered 1 through 3 where the first column represents "this month" using gross amounts.
    • nproj (sample)
      Net revenue projections for 3 months. The report generated will return 3 columns of projections using todays date as the pivot date numbered 1 through 3 where the first column represents "this month" using net amounts.
    • gproj12 (default) (sample)
      Gross revenue projections for 12 months. The report generated will return 12 columns of projections using todays date as the pivot date numbered 1 through 12 where the first column represents "this month" using gross amounts.
    • nproj12 (sample)
      Net revenue projections for 12 months. The report generated will return 12 columns of projections using todays date as the pivot date numbered 1 through 12 where the first column represents "this month" using net amounts.

CS It's best to right click and save as the above samples.


  • json (default) - JSON (sample).

    "success": true,
    "report": "cust",
    "data": [
    "customer_guid": "0424fe8b-0d68-4092-b929-e767e8ad81c6"
"customer": "America's Auto"
"owner_guid": "97398aba-9a8c-4d3d-a67f-a55e58f78110"
"owner": "Sammy Hagar"
"contact_name": ""
"phone": "817-624-3589"
"email": null
"revenue_source": "National Agency"
"credit_policy": "Net 15"
"status": "Inactive"
"created": "2015-07-27"
"customer_guid": "45d26fa5-c3b3-4271-99ed-692d23ce2925"
"customer": "Beyond The Rock"
"owner_guid": "97398aba-9a8c-4d3d-a67f-a55e58f78110"
"owner": "Sammy Hagar"
"contact_name": "Gina"
"phone": null
"email": null
"revenue_source": "National Agency"
"credit_policy": "Net 30"
"status": "Active"
"created": "2015-11-19"
Note: Null values are represented as "null" (not blank).

  • xml - XML (sample).
  • html - HTML using tables (technically, XHTML) (sample).
  • csv - Comma-Separated Value (sample).
  • tab - Tab-delimited (sample).

CS It's best to right click and save as the above samples.

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Rumple (Technical Details)