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Page History: Sales People

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Page Revision: 2017/05/03 15:54

Sales People

WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.

This is where you manage sales people for use with Customers, Contracts, etc.. It can be launched directly Settings which is accessible from the Dashboard.

TODO Need a screen shot of the Settings window showing the Sales People icon.



Main Menu

  • File
    • Close
      This closes the window.
  • View
    • Reset
      Resets the view of both panes (modified using MyViews) to their factory-original state.
    • Refresh
      Refreshes the content (data) in both panes.

Sales Person


Context Menu

This menu is access by using the mouse to right click anywhere in the list pane. See Common UI Behavior.

  • Open
    Opens the highlighted sales person.
  • New
    Creates a new sales person.

New Button

Creates a new sales person.

Close Button

Closes the window.

Hot Keys

TODO Confirm which keys works.

  • Enter
    Open the highlighted Customer.
  • Del
    Deletes the highlighted Customer.
  • Ins
    Creates a new Customer.
  • CTRL+F
    Find Contract using Contract number.
    Find/Filter Customers pane using one or more words.
  • Left Arrow
    Moves navigation to the left pane (Customers).
  • Right Arrow
    Moves the navigation to the right pane (Contracts/Projections).
  • Home
    Moves the highlight to the top of the current pane.
  • End
    Move the highlight to the bottom of the current pane.
  • Esc
    Closes the window.
  • F5
    Refreshes the data in both panes.

Additional Information

See Contract.
See Customer.
See MyViews.
See Common UI Behavior.

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