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Page History: Sales People

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Page Revision: 2017/08/21 10:16

Sales People


WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.



The Sales People window provides the tools necessary to manage the sales people that you will use when working with Customers, Contracts, etc. It can be found under Settings which is accessible from the Dashboard.


Main Menu

  • File
    • New: Creates a new entry.
    • Open: Opens the currently highlighted entry.
    • Print: Prints the visible list, as it is currently design/visible.
    • Print Preview: Similar to Print, but displays a Preview window prior to printing.
    • Close: This closes the window.
  • View
    • Reset: Resets the page to base settings.


  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Commission Type
  • Email
  • Trashed

Context Menu

  • Open
    Opens the currently highlighted entry.
  • New
    Initiates the process of creating a new entry.
  • Trash
    Flags the currently highlighted entry as being Trashed.

New Button


The New button initiates the process of creating a new entry.

Hot Keys

  • Enter
    Open the highlighted entry.
  • Ins
    Initiates the process of creating a new entry.
  • CTRL+F
    Accesses the Find window.
  • Home
    Moves the highlight to the top of the list.
  • End
    Move the highlight to the bottom of the list.
  • Esc
    Closes the window.

Sales Person


You have seen where Sales people are already in Customers, Contracts, They are a standard column in a few reports and some reports have the ability to add a Sales Person column to the report.



  • First Name
    Salesperson's first name.
  • Last Name
    Salesperson's last name.
  • Default Commission Type
    Shows the commission types setup up by the administrator. See Commissions.
  • Email Address
    The email address for this salesperson.
  • Trashed
    This box allows you to toggle the Trashed status for salesperson. When trashed, this salesperson is no longer available in the list of sales people when working with Customers and Contracts.



Additional Information

See Contract.
See Customer.
See MyViews.
See Common UI Behavior.

Table of Contents [Hide/Show]

Sales People
      Main Menu
      Context Menu
      New Button
      Hot Keys
Sales Person
Additional Information