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Page History: Sales People

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Page Revision: 2017/05/03 16:16

Sales People

WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.


This is where you manage sales people for use with Customers, Contracts, etc.. It can be launched directly Settings which is accessible from the Dashboard.



Main Menu

  • File
    • Close
      This closes the window.
  • View
    • Reset
      Resets the view of both panes (modified using MyViews) to their factory-original state.
    • Refresh
      Refreshes the content (data) in both panes.

Sales Person



  • First Name
    Sales Person's first name.
  • Last Name
    Sales Person's last name.
  • Default Commission Type
    Shows the commission types setup up by the administrator.
  • Email Address
    The email address the sales person is using.
  • Trashed
    This box allows you to trash or untrash a sales person.

Context Menu

This menu is access by using the mouse to right click anywhere in the list pane. See Common UI Behavior.

  • Open
    Opens the highlighted sales person.
  • New
    Creates a new sales person.

New Button

Creates a new sales person.

Close Button

Closes the window.

Hot Keys

TODO Confirm which keys works.

  • Enter
    Open the highlighted Customer.
  • Del
    Deletes the highlighted Customer.
  • Ins
    Creates a new Customer.
  • CTRL+F
    Find Contract using Contract number.
    Find/Filter Customers pane using one or more words.
  • Left Arrow
    Moves navigation to the left pane (Customers).
  • Right Arrow
    Moves the navigation to the right pane (Contracts/Projections).
  • Home
    Moves the highlight to the top of the current pane.
  • End
    Move the highlight to the bottom of the current pane.
  • Esc
    Closes the window.
  • F5
    Refreshes the data in both panes.

Additional Information

See Contract.
See Customer.
See MyViews.
See Common UI Behavior.

Table of Contents [Hide/Show]

Sales People
   Main Menu
   Sales Person
      Context Menu
      New Button
      Close Button
   Hot Keys
   Additional Information