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Page Revision: 2014/09/26 09:22

Spot Detail

This window reflects the individual details for each and every item scheduled on a Contract and can be accessed from the Contract window by using the View->Spot Detail entry on the main menu.


Across the top you have the main menu providing access to various tools that can be applied to the current view.

The main body contains a MyViews enabled list containing each individual scheduled item.

Main Menu

  • File
    • Print
      Prints the current view.
    • Print Preview
      Print previews the current view.
    • Export
      Exports the current view to one of several electronic documents.
    • Close
      This closes the window.
  • View
    • Reset
      Resets the view of both panes (modified using MyViews) to their factory-original state.

Main Body

The main body contains a MyViews enabled list containing each individual scheduled item.

Default Columns

  • Station
    The Station that this item targets.
  • Contract #
    The Contract that scheduled this item.
  • Line #
    The line number of the Contract that scheduled this item.
  • S.Target Date
    What is the currently scheduled target date. (Note: Can be different than the original defined target date.)
  • Log Date
    What Log is this item scheduled, if any.
  • Inv Date
    What Invoice date is reflected for this item, if any.
  • Spot Status
    Reflects the current status of this item.
  • OAR
    Whether or not this is an Off-Air Revenue item.

Additional Columns

  • A.Log Time
    If this item has been reconciled, the time that it aired.
  • Cart #
    The currently assigned cart (Copy) number.
  • Copy Name
    The name of the assigned Copy.
  • Inv Time
    The time as reflected on the Invoice for this item.
  • L.Avail Type
    The AvailType currently attached to on a Log.
  • O.Target Date
    The originally targeted AvailType.
  • Rate
    The rate of this item as defined on the Contract.
  • S.Avail Type
    What AvailType this item is supposed to target.
  • S.Log Time
    The target air time as defined by the placement of this item on the Log.

Context Menu

This menu is access by using the mouse to right click on any item in the list. See Common UI Behavior.

  • Reschedule
    Prompts for a new date ranging between the Contract line item start and end date associated with the highlighted item to reschedule the item to another target date.
  • Force Available
  • Force Bump
  • Force OAR
  • Force Trashed
  • Force Invoiced

These tools will be visible depending on User enabled roles and the current status of an individual spot/OAR.

Close Button

Closes the window.

Additional Information

See Contract.
See Copy.
See Log.
See Invoice.
See MyViews.
See Common UI Behavior.

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