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Page Revision: 2014/04/25 10:09

Avail Types

Avail Types are the different elements used to build templates & formats and also to define in each individual contract the location on the log/format where the spots are to be placed.

You can add a new avail type at any time in Settings using the Avail Types tool. It is also possible to manage avail types using the Template Editor.



Any avail types created or edited using the avail types from the administration section will be available for all stations in the templates section. Any editing to avail types could have impact on previously created templates and currently running formats.


Introduced in Premier 2014, it is possible to merge avail types use the merge tool available through the context menu. You highlight the item you want to merge (remove), right click, select Merge. Upon doing so, you will be prompted with a list of the other avail types to select which avail type you wish to merge to (keep). Everywhere where the merged (removed) avail type is currently in use will automatically be replaced (updated) with the selected (kept) avail type.

Introduced in Premier 2013 (and Essentials), it is possible to Delete an avail type; however, you must be sure that this avail type is not in use by running various reports or you could end up in a situation where things aren't working as expected and require significant amounts of clean up to be done. If you are sure that the avail type is not in use, it is safe to delete. If it is in use, modify where it is use to be a different avail type. Areas to review/verify are customers, contract line items, formats and templates.


In Essentials, the same guidelines regarding deleting of an avail type apply. There is no facility to merge in Essentials.


In TrafficXP, Avail Types are called by several names including Spot Type and Break Type.

There is no facility to delete and avail types. To delete an unused avail type, contact your RadioTraffic support representative. All the guidelines mentioned in the Premier section apply; so before initiating this process, please review/verify accordingly.

Can a "Spot Type" be created at anytime, after the logs are formatted? If so, is it created in the "Template" section?

Yes you can add a new spot type at any time in Admin/Templates/Log elements, select Add then you can add it to your formats.