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Page Revision: 2011/03/07 18:36



RadioTraffic.com converts to a specific Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation log format.

Station Configuration

To configure RadioTraffic.com to work with Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation, you will first need modify the station configuration to utilize Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation as the automation system. In the administration module, open 'Stations'. Select the station you want to configure and double click. Once the station configuration is visible, select the 'Files' tab. Set the 'Product' to Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation using the drop down selection tool. The 'Automation Log Path' is where RadioTraffic.com will export the log to, so set this to the file system folder that Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation will pull the file from. The 'Station Identifier' field allows you to specify a unique code that is utilized by the import/export mechanism that is required by the automation system. This code is a combination of the Station ID (SS) and Download ID (II) formatted as pipe delimited code (SS|II). The Station ID and Download ID are described further in the Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation documentation. The file name structure for the exported log will be MMDDYYSS.log; where MM is the two digit month, DD is the two digit day, YY is the two digit year and SS is what you've entered into the as the Station ID portion of the special code.

Cart Numbers

Cart numbers are automatically formatted/restricted to 4 alpha/numeric digits.

Automation Commands

Automation Commands are fully supported.

Log Notes

Log Notes are currently not supported.


Programs are currently not supported.


Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation requires that every "break" contains a end of break marker (Cart # 9999). This can either be accomplished by added an automation command and placing this manually on the templates/formats after every avail (or combination of avails). Another option is to allow RT to automatically generate the end of break marker. Right now this requires that you contact customer service for them to enable this "behind the scenes".

Automatic Log Reconciliation

RadioTraffic fully supports automatic log reconciliation with Waitt Radio Networks Storq Automation. The file name is expected to be YYMMDDSS.IIl; where YY is the two digit year, MM the two digit month, DD is the two digit day, SS is the Station ID and II is the Download ID. The SS and II portion is determined based on the special code you entered entered as the Station Identifier. These files are expected to be in the Aired Log Path location.