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Page Revision: 2016/06/06 14:25

Switch to Premier

Premier 2014 and Premier 2015 are no longer supported; however, we have you covered. We've consolidated the features and capabilities available to these products into a single-easy-to-understand product and you can switch to it now! To do so, please follow these simple steps:

  • Follow the simple Reinstall Instructions (PDF) that walk you through how to uninstall the deprecated/unsupported product and install the new product.
  • Log in and get started! All your data is still there, the switch to the new product is complete. Please take the time to review Welcome to Premier (PDF), which highlights some of the changes, improvements and enhancements available in the new product.
  • If you like what you see, please Send a Smile.

NOTE: Please share this page with all of your co-workers and have them transition ASAP.


Why do I get an message stating "You are not licensed for this software." when I try to log on?

You haven't followed the uninstall/install document to uninstall the previous product?

Why do I have to uninstall/reinstall?

The products formally known as Premier 2013, Premier 2014, Premier 2015, and the never-released Premier 2016 products have all been consolidated into a single platform. Features and capabilities not available across all of these products have been re-packaged and made available as Add-On packages; these add-ons are available at an additional cost. However, those of our clients who purchased a product containing what is now packaged an add-on are "grandfathered" and continue to leverage the features and capabilities associated with these add-ons at no additional cost. (Addition of new add-ons will have a fee associated; please contact your sales representative for further details.)

What features have been categorized as Add-On packages?

  • EDI - The EDI tab in billing and associated tools to export EDI documents.
  • Electronic Documents (PDF, XLS, XLSX, etc.) - Tools that provide a means to export electronic versions of documents in addition to printing.
  • Finance Charges - Enables the generation and management of finance charges.
  • Goals - The Goal tools and reports.
  • Templates - Enables the Template editor and tools to leverage templates in the Log.

  • Contract Product Lookup (Legacy) - The Product field on the Contract window.
  • Contract Revise (Legacy) - The ability to use the Revise tool on Contracts.
  • Email (Legacy) - The ability to email Confirmations, Invoices and Statements.
  • EmailMyTimes (Legacy) - When locking a Log, can be leveraged to send an email notice to Costomers configured to receive EmailMyTimes.
  • Open Item Statements (Legacy) - Adds an additional Statement type to choose from.
  • Owner (Legacy) - Useful for those of our clients that do not wish to change the sales person who originally were assigned to Contracts.
  • Production (Legacy) - Generates an email whenever any piece of Copy is added or modified.
  • Template Reports (Legacy) - Provides tools to create custom named "template reports".

What if there are features that I used in Product X that I "didn't like" that are now add-ons? Is there a way to turn them off?

Yes, as an add-on, these features are designed to be able to be enabled and disabled throughout the lifetime of the product. If you choose to disable an add-on, this can be done at no cost; however, because these add-ons are included in your account at no cost, there is no reduction in fees.

What other add-on packages are available?

We are still in the process of working through the details; please contact your sales representative for more details.

Requires at least Microsoft Windows(tm) Vista SP1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10; recommended and optimized for Microsoft Windows(tm) 10 x64.