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Page Revision: 2016/06/06 14:12

Upgrade to Premier

The latest version of Premier is available to you, so upgrade today following three simple steps:

  • Follow the simple Upgrade Instructions (PDF) that walk you through how to uninstall the old version and install the new version.
  • Log in and get started! Review Welcome to Premier (PDF), which highlights the enhancements and improvements to the new software.
  • If you like what you see, please Send a Smile.

NOTE: Please share this page with all of your co-workers and have them upgrade ASAP.


Why do I get an message stating "You are not licensed for this software." when I try to log on?

You haven't followed the uninstall/install document to uninstall the previous edition of the software?

Why do I have to uninstall/reinstall?

The products formally known as Premier 2013, Premier 2014, Premier 2015, and the never-released Premier 2016 products have all been consolidated into a single platform. Features and capabilities not available across all of these products have been re-packaged and made available as Add-On packages; these add-ons are available at an additional cost. However, those of our clients who purchased a product containing what is now packaged an add-on are "grandfathered" and continue to leverage the features and capabilities associated with these add-ons at no additional cost. (Addition of new add-ons will have a fee associated; please contact your sales representative for further details.)

What features have been categorized as Add-On packages?

  • EDI - The EDI tab in billing and associated tools to export EDI documents.
  • Electronic Documents (PDF, XLS, XLSX, etc.) - Tools that provide a means to export electronic versions of documents in addition to printing.
  • Finance Charges - Enables the generation and management of finance charges.
  • Goals - The Goal tools and reports.
  • Templates - Enables the Template editor and tools to leverage templates in the Log.

  • Contract Product Lookup (Legacy) - The Product field on the Contract window.
  • Contract Revise (Legacy) - The ability to use the Revise tool on Contracts.
  • Email (Legacy) - The ability to email Confirmations, Invoices and Statements.
  • EmailMyTimes (Legacy) - When locking a Log, can be leveraged to send an email notice to Costomers configured to receive EmailMyTimes.
  • Open Item Statements (Legacy) - Adds an additional Statement type to choose from.
  • Owner (Legacy) - Useful for those of our clients that do not wish to change the sales person who originally were assigned to Contracts.
  • Production (Legacy) - Generates an email whenever any piece of Copy is added or modified.
  • Template Reports (Legacy) - Provides tools to create custom named "template reports".

What if there are features that I used in Product X that I "didn't like" that are now add-ons? Is there a way to turn them off?

Yes, as an add-on, these features are designed to be able to be enabled and disabled throughout the lifetime of the product. If you choose to disable an add-on, this can be done at no cost; however, because these add-ons are included in your account at no cost, there is no reduction in fees.

What other add-on packages are available?

We are still in the process of working through the details; please contact your sales representative for more details.

Requires at least Microsoft Windows(tm) Vista SP1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10; recommended and optimized for Microsoft Windows(tm) 10 x64.