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Automation Command

Modified: 2016/03/21 07:06 by admin - Uncategorized
Redirected from: Pacing Report

Automation Command

An automation command allows you to do two functions in templates and formats. The first is to control your on-air automation through the export log. The second is to create static carts if you have pieces of audio that play at the same time every day.


Control Command

Depending on the make of your automation system, RadioTraffic can send commands through the log to control your automation.


Check your automation system's user manual to see if it can accept programming commands from the imported traffic log. That manual should also show you the commands that need to be used to control the automation. Any length command can be put into the data field.


Audio Command

If you have a piece of programming that uses the same cart number at the same time every day, you can schedule these in your templates and formats by creating a static cart automation command.


Place the cart number in the cart line. You can also put an automation command on the cart if your particular automation system allows it.