RadioTraffic 101 - Assign Rotation

Edit 101



Working with rotations.

This video and related documentation refers to the TrafficXP product.

Once you are in the Order window, click on the rotation tab located just above the order line items.

Assuming you are creating a new rotation / copy, click on the New button located toward the bottom region of the Rotation tab.

By default, the start date, end date, length and time follow the entire contract. If this rotation is running for the entire duration of the entire contract, there is no need to make any changes.

At this point, you will need to at at least one copy to the rotation in order for the cart number to be assigned when locking the log. To do so, you can click on the Add button to display the available Copy list.

If the copy already exists, skip to the next step.

It is possible to create copy without leaving the order entry screen. You can do so by clicking on the New button to create a new piece of copy. For further details specifically related to using the Copy window, go here.

Select the piece of copy that you would like to add to the rotation and press the OK button.

If this rotation contains any additional pieces of copy, repeat the Add process as needed.

Once you have the list of copy you'd like to rotate, you can manipulate the list so that the rotation will occur in the order you'd like (WYSIWYG). At this point, this list of copy will rotate evenly; if you'd like to modify the rotation so that some run more than others you can use the Ratio Editor button to modify the percentages (ratios). Doing so will repopulate the list allowing you to control the overall order of the individual spots (WYSIWYG).

Upon completing the rotation, press OK to add it to the rotation list associated to the order. You can have multiple rotations assigned to an order that will be utilized based on a first matched criteria basis. So the rotation list can be sorted as well to accomidate this behavior.

Note: If you have a long running order that will change rotations / copy over time, you do not need to keep the rotations once they have been used. The rotation is only utilized at the time the log is locked; so once the spots have been locked on logs that are using the rotation you can either change the rotation or delete it accordingly.