Dashboard (XP)


Dashboard (TrafficXP)

The main dashboard provides updates on station data. (Note: Information is only as currently as the last time it was refreshed. You can initiate a refresh by pressing the F5 key.) There are several charts and graphs available and we continue to add more all the time. The dasboard also serves as the starting point for all of the various modules available to you depending on your current account configuration(s).


Charts and Graphs

In the main window, you will see several charts, graphs and tables. Each of these contain a quick overview of activity for your station(s).
  • Invoice Completion
    This chart presents the current status (finalized and paid) of invoices for each month since the initial use of RT.

  • New Order Revenue (Last 5 Weeks)
    This graph displays the overall sales entered over the past five weeks. The date used is when the order was actually created; so any extension or changes made to each order are still considered part of the original order; thus the original created date.

  • Sales by Conflict (YTD)
    This chart chart breaks down sales on a primary conflict basis since January 1st.

  • Spot Placement Count (Last 5 Weeks)
    This chart presents the overall spot placement count (number of actual spots placed on logs) for the current and prior four weeks.

  • Tomorrow's Spot Placement (All Stations)
    This chart presents the overall filled progress of all of tomorrows logs in your system.

  • Top 10 Sales People by Billing (YTD)
    This chart represents the overall receivable cash based on billing (invoicing) on a per sales person basis since January 1st.

  • Top 10 Users This Calendar Month
    This chart provides an idea regarding the amount of usage (time logged in to RT) for the top ten users for the current calendar month.



The Measures table displays several pieces of information in a x versus y format. You have the measure name which represents the type of information, the period which states the relationship between the current and previous columns.

  • Revenue Projection
    The amount of projected revenue based on entered sales for this calendar month and prior calendar month. The numbers displayed are the net amount of cash accounts.

  • Billing
    Displays the billed dollar amount (invoice(s)) for this calendar month and last calendar month. The numbers displayed are the net amount of cash accounts.

  • Collection Percentage
    Displays the collection percentage for last calendar month and the month prior. These values are based on applied transactions toward invoices (cash/trade).

  • New Customers
    Displays the number of new customers added during this calendar month and last calendar month.

  • New Orders
    Displays the number of new orders added during this calendar month and last calendar month.


Main Menu



The system is divided into several task based areas called modules. Each module represents a different group of similar tasks that need to be performed throughout the traffic and billing process.


Status Bar

The status bar is the section located at the bottom of the window that includes several pieces of information and status indicators for any background processes that may be taking place.