Group (XP)


Group (XP)

The group settings window provides a means to configure several aspects of the RT services for use specifically within your group of stations. This window can be accessed from Administration.

The group details is separated into several tab; General, Address and Text.



The general tab contains the name of the group, automatic cart assignment settings and any additional options that might be available to that you can enable/disable.

  • Name
    This is the name of the group. This would most likely be the corporate name that owns/operates a group of stations. This name will be printed (by default) on order confirmations and statements.
Automatic Cart Assignment

The automatic cart assignment feature provides a means to provide a pool of values that can be used to automatically generate a cart number when creating a new piece of copy. This section provides the ability to configure whether or not it's active, the pool of values, how the values are determined (numeric or alpha/numeric) and how often (if at all) to recycle expired cart numbers.
  • Enable
    When checked, turns on the automatic cart assignment feature using the settings provided in this section.
  • Minimum
    The minimum (or starting) cart number of the cart pool to use for automatic cart assignment.
  • Maximum
    The maximum (or ending) cart number of the cart pool to use for automatic cart assignment. Of special note regarding the maximum number: All cart numbers will be automatically zero (0) padded so that they are the same number of characters as the maximum value.
  • Sequence using alpha/numeric characters.
    If enabled, the automatic cart assignment pool will utilize alpha/numeric characters. When disabled, numbers are expected and used.
  • Recycle every n days.
    Over time we suspect that you'll want to re-use carts defined in the cart pool. This setting defines if and when this recycling process will occur. Leave blank if you never want to recycle cart numbers; otherwise, enter the number of days you'd like after a copy has expired that the cart number can be re-used.

There are a lot of optional features available in the RT services. This section provides a means to turn on/off some of those features.
  • Enable EmailMyTimes
    If you have that EmailMyTimes module, this section allows you to configure when and if you would like to use it.


The address tab provides a means to specify the address, phone and logo used when printing order confirmations and statements.

  • Address
    The street address.
  • City
    The city.
  • State
    The state.
  • Postal
    The postal code, zip or zip+four.
  • Country
    The country.
  • Phone
    The phone.
  • Logo
    The button next to the Logo name provide an open file dialog allowing you to find and select an image to be used. The image will automatically be resized proportionally to fit the 96dpi 160x160 pixel size required. Note: The resize algorythm included in RT is basic; for best results, we highly recommend resizing the image using software specifically designed for graphic editing.
  • Report Override
    The report override section is seperated into two parts. The check box allows the override to be enabled or disabled. If disabled, the information provided in the address, city, state, postal, country and phone will be automatically formatted (and displayed below) for use on the order confirmations and statements. If enabled, whatever is typed into the provided box will be used instead.


Provides a means to define (if any) the footer summary text (the section below the bottom line of each page between the date and page number) that will be included on order confirmations and/or statements.


Each document has its own configuration and accessible via their respective sub-tab names.

  • Footer Comment
    The text entered here will be used on order confirmations.
  • Footer Comment
    The text entered here will beused on statements.

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