Order Line Item (NonSpot)


Order Line Item (NonSpot)


Order Details


Line Item Details (OAR)



Saves any addition/change(s) made. Effectively the same as pressing the OK button.


Closes the window, effectively the same as pressing the Cancel button.

View->Placement Summary

Provides a view that allows you to review the results of the entry on an item by item basis.

View->Invoice Summary

Provides a view as to how each item has been invoiced (up to the last invoiced date).



Specifies which station this OAR is effective for.

Income Account

For billing purposes, which income account is used.

Start Date

Effective start date of the OAR line item.

End Date

Effective end date of the OAR line item.


Specifies how much will be billed at each interval (see Frequency).


Defines the interval that the invoice generation process will bill the OAR item for the amount specified as the Rate. Daily will occur for every day between the effective start and end dates. Weekly will occur every Monday between the effective start and end dates. Monthly will occur on the 24th of the month between the effective start and end dates.


You can enter a comment regarding this order line item. This comment will be included on the Invoice and allows you to specify some replacement tokens:

<priormonth> - The name of the month for the billed date minus one month.
<month> - The name of the month for the billed date.
<nextmonth> - The name of the month for the billed date plus one month.

Calculated Result

In order to better assist the order entry process, we calculate the result of the entered values using the n item(s) total of amount format. You can use this to verify that the values you've entered are what you were expecting as the final result.