WideOrbit Automation




RadioTraffic.com converts to an WideOrbit Automation log format.


Station Configuration

To configure RadioTraffic.com to work with WideOrbit Automation, you will first need modify the station configuration to utilize WideOrbit Automation as the automation system. In the administration module, open 'Stations'. Select the station you want to configure and double click. Once the station configuration is visible, select the 'Files' tab. Select the 'Product' WideOrbit Automation using the drop down selection tool. The 'Automation Log Path' is where RadioTraffic.com will export the log to, so set this to the file system folder that Merge32/Playlist Editor will pull the file from.


Cart Numbers

WideOrbit Automation systems use 4 digit numeric cart numbers.

It is possible to "bypass" the export 4 digit numeric validation by entering a cart number as exactly six alpha/numeric characters. This "bypass" expects that the first two characters represent the event type (DA for example, meaning Digital Audio) and the last four digits the "cart/event number". For example, if the cart number is "DA" followed by "LIVE" (4 alpha/numeric characters) which results in 6 total characters, the export will ignore validation assuming you know what you are doing.

If the cart number is numeric and less than 4 digits, zeros will be prepended making the number 4 digits.

If a cart number is alpha/numeric and does not fit the 6 character "bypass" pattern, DA0000 will be used. TrafficXP does this without any visible warning while Essentials/Premier will prompt you with a warning during the export process stating the cart number you are attempting to utilize and that this is being ignored and DA0000 is being used instead.


Automation Commands

Though this is usually handled through the Merge32/Playlist editor it can be done in the Radio Traffic system. To configure an automation command open the Administration module and double click the Templates. Select the station you want to add the command. At the top of the Template window select Log Elements - Automation Commands. You will get a list of existing commands or a blank window. Clicking "New" at the bottom will bring up the Automation Command window. For description put in something that you will recognize such as "Antenna Lights". Command will be what is actually happening, to continue with the example you can put in "Switcher 1 Output Closure 2". The final field is the Cart #. This is where you would put what the WideOrbit Automation system needs to see to send the command, to complete the example "APCLSR2". These are generic examples and depend on the configuration of the individual WideOrbit Automation system.

Note: If necessary, you may need to enter the cart # field formatted as CAT|DA#### which will export the CAT portion as the category and the DA#### as the cart number. The cart number portion (the second value in the pipe-delimited list) needs to follow all of the same rules/requirements stated in the Cart Numbers section (above).


Log Notes

Log Notes are exported as "comments" to WideOrbit Automation. These entries place a dotdot ("..") in the cart number column.



Programs are currently not exported.



Avail markers do not export to the WideOrbit Automation export and are used strictly inside of RadioTraffic.com as a means of scheduling.


Automatic Log Reconciliation

We fully support automatic log reconciliation for the WideOrbit Automation aired logs. To configure this feature, you need to determine where these files are located on your network and use that path to configure the "Aired Log Path". This is generally "\\MACHINE NAME\C\SS32\Air for an WideOrbit Automation system using Merge32 and \\MACHINE NAME\D\RADIO AUTOMATION\RAS CORE\AIRLOG. Again these are generic setting and may not apply to your configuration.


Additional Information

For additional documentation concerning working with playlists/ASPLAY files in the WideOrbit Automation system, please refer to the WideOrbit Automation documentation on the subject: