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RadioTraffic 101 - Log Open

Modified: 2015/02/03 17:20 by ColinCaison - Uncategorized

RadioTraffic.com 101



Opening a log.

Bring up the Dashboard and select the Logs module icon and double click it to bring up the Log Editor.

The Log Editor field will pop up.

There are four options to open a Log.

Option One

  • Using the File Menu at the top left of the Log Editor and select the File and then Open.

Option Two

Notice the CTRL-O next to Open? This can be used as well and is some times easier.

Option Three

The green arrow (A) points to the Open Folder icon on the toolbar to open logs.

Option Four

Notice the green bent arrows that the red arrows (B) are pointing at, these are used to advance or to go prior days logs.

For options one thru three this is the menu that pops up.

  • Select the log you want and then hit the OK button.

The Log is ready to edit.