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Copy (XP)

Modified: 2014/04/25 12:21 by admin - Uncategorized

Copy (XP)

Every commercial you wish to schedule will need to be entered using the copy form.


  • Customer
    If you add copy from the administration section, you will have a drop down menu that allows you to choose any customer entered into the system. If entered from the order, the customer will automatically be chosen for you.
  • Cart #
    The file number used by the audio cut in your automation system. This can be edited even if you have chosen to use automatic cart number assignment.
  • Name
    A name given to the spot so when you look at the spot list you can identify the copy.
  • Tape Code
    Tape code given by an agency to the commercial.
  • Co-Op for
    Lists the business involved in the Co-Op advertising.
  • Length
    Length of the commercial. This length is only internal for RadioTraffic. If the actual length of the audio in your on-air automation system is different, your automation will play the full length of the audio without cutting it off if the RadioTraffic entry is a shorter length.
  • Station
    Choose to make the copy valid for All Station(s) or individual stations.
  • Category
    The on-air category in use by some automation systems. Check your automation system manual to see if these are necessary.
  • Status
    Whether the copy is eligible to currently run, saved but not currently running or trashed
  • Voice
    Air talent who produced the commercial.
  • Start Date & End Date
    Run dates for the copy.
  • Script
    The text of the commercial copy. This can be manually typed in or cut & paste as with a Microsoft Word document.
  • Notes
    Any internal notes regarding production values.

Include In Fill List

If your station gives bonus, no-cost spots to clients then you must activate the copy to be included in the log editor's fill list. When you check the box, you are then able to choose which days of the week the spot would be eligible to be used as fill and a start and end time for those days.

Do not check this by default for your orders. RadioTraffic's log editor includes options to auto fill breaks by using the fill list and you cannot sort the copy on the fill list to make sure only certain fill songs will play. If you validate the copy for the fill list, it can run any day you choose.

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