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Software and services for the radio industry.
<DIV id="Text"><!--===='''Switch to Premier'''==== If you are using ''Premier 2014'' or ''Premier 2015'', these products are no longer supported; as such we welcome those of our clients who previously utilized these products to move to ''Premier''... for '''FREE''' (No changes to contract details other than the product named). Please take the time to [switch|Switch to ''Premier''] now.--> ===Welcome to Marketron!=== <center><img width="260" height="62" alt="" src=""></center> On July 20th, 2017 Marketron acquired RadioTraffic, and we are honored to be able to serve you as a valued customer and continue the fantastic legacy that Dave Scott and his terrific team have fostered over the past decade-plus. [WelcomeToMarketron|read more...] <!-- ===Overview=== <center><a href="GetFile.aspx?File=MainPage%2fsite.png"><img src="GetFile.aspx?File=MainPage%2fsite.png" width="453" height="205"/></a></center> --> ==='''<image align="right" width="340" height="114" src=""/>THANK YOU!!!'''=== {br} We asked for your help and you amaze us! Every year, the [|Traffic Director's Guild of America] surveys radio stations on their experience with traffic and billing software. All of us at sincerely thank you for your support. We know we're far from perfect but with your support and suggestions we're constantly growing and improving upon our service offerings. Members of the TDGA can see results of their survey at [|]. Then log in with your user name and password. Non-members can see a brief overview of the TDGA copyrighted report at [|]. <!-- ===='''Windows 8.1'''==== <img align="right" border="0" src="{UP}MainPage%2fwindows81.png">Windows 8.1? Absolutely! All software from is 100% compatible with Windows 8.1; so feel free to go out and buy that new laptop or desktop computer that you've been anxiously awaiting with absolute confidence that we are compatible. --There is a [|limited time upgrade offer] from Microsoft that you can take advantage of to upgrade from Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 for about '''$40'''. -- Windows 8.1 is a free upgrade for all Windows 8 installations. Note: Regarding Windows 8.1 tablet devices; we are compatible with the Windows 8.1 devices, however, not the Windows RT devices (aka Microsoft Surface and Microsoft Surface 2). We have verified the following tablet devices to be compatible: * Microsoft Surface 3 * Microsoft Surface Pro * Microsoft Surface Pro 2 * Microsoft Surface Pro 3 * Microsoft Surface Pro 4 * Samsung XE500T1C * Sony Vaio Flip 15 * HP Stream 7 Tablet 5709 The following tablet devices have been verified to not work: * Microsoft Surface (reason: Windows RT) * Microsoft Surface 2 (reason: Windows RT) --> <!--Exclusive benefits of's TrafficXP: <div class="frontlist"> <ul> <li>Faster, easier, more modern order entry, traffic and billing.</li> <li>Online traffic software that lets people [workfromhome|work from anywhere].</li> <li>Sales people see [avails] from anywhere they are, increasing the opportunities for last minute sales.</li> <li>Online order entry from anywhere saves time.</li> <li>Online management order approval.</li> <li>Automatic [emailmytimes|advertiser notification] of scheduled spot times.</li> <li>[emailmyinvoices|Email invoices] to save postage, reduce time stuffing envelopes and speed payment.</li> <li>You get dozens of management reports and real time pacing dashboards.</li> </ul> </div>--> <!--In addition to great traffic/billing software... at no extra cost... you get: <div class="frontlist"> <ul> <li>An online [crm|Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)] software that improves sales productivity and centralizing sales prospects.</li> <li>Online [appointments|appointment calendar] organizes sales people schedules.</li> </ul> [imageauto|#Dashboard|{UP}MainPage%2fillustration1.gif] </div>--> <!--We are currently in the process of rewriting our manual; however, you can view the work in the progress [Documentation2|here]. As an additional resource, you can view our [FAQ].--> </div> <DIV class=transcludedpage> <div id="Side"> <div class="btndownload">[ClientEula|Install Now]</div> <p>''Requires at least Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11; recommended and optimized for Microsoft Windows(tm) 10/11 x64. {br}{br}__'''WILL NOT WORK ON{br}WINDOWS XP!'''__''</p> <!-- <div class="btndownload">[EssentialsEula|Essentials{br}2013]</div><div class="btndownload">[Client45_Premier13|Premier{br}2013]</div><div class="btndownload">[Client45_Premier14|Premier{br}2014]</div><div class="btndownload">[Client45_Premier15|Premier{br}2015]</div> <div class="btndownload">[Installation|TrafficXP]</div> <p>''Note: If your contract doesn't specify [EssentialsEula|Essentials], [EssentialsEula|Essentials 2013], [EssentialsEula|Essentials Plus], [EssentialsEula|Essentials Plus 2013], [Client45_Premier13|Premier], [Client45_Premier13|Premier 2013], [Client45_Premier14|Premier 2014] or [Client45_Premier|Premier 2015], you are licensed for TrafficXP (or Traffic1234). TrafficXP is available in three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The same installation is used for all three levels. The term "Public Version" or "Official Version" has also been used to describe what is now known as TrafficXP. At one point, we had a version that we referred to as the "Private Version"; this version has since been retired, use TrafficXP instead. Traffic1234 uses the same installation as TrafficXP.''</p> {s:dotNetVersion}--> [imageauto||{UP}60day.gif] <!--<hr>{br} If requested by support, you can [|drop us a file].--> {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} <!--[error|Premier 2013]--> <!-- <a id="Overview"></a><h3 class="separator">Overview</h3> <div id="GetStarted"> <ul> <li id="tourLink" class="tour"><a href="Tour.ashx" class="pagelink" title="Feature Tour">Coming Soon!</a></li> <li id="saveTab" class="save"><a href="Benefits.ashx" class="pagelink" title="pending">Coming Soon!</a></li> <li id="downloadLink" class="download"><a href="Installation.ashx" class="pagelink" title="pending">How it works</a></li> <li id="tryLink" class="try"><a href="">Coming Soon!</a></li> </ul> </div>--> <!--<div class="fromprice"><a href="Pricing.ashx#_CA_USD_per_month_" class="pagelink" title="Pricing">From $99/month</a></div> <a id="What_people_say"></a><h3 class="separator">What people say</h3> <div class="box">akj asflkj asfkajs fowiejfj asfdj <b>unknown</b></div><br /><div class="box">djasfk sjafha aksfhj asfkjh s aksfh <b>unknown</b></div><br /><p>More <a href="customer-references.ashx" class="pagelink" title="Who is using - Customer References">success stories</a>.</p>--> </div> </div> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var navItem = document.getElementById('HomeTab'); navItem.className = 'active'; </SCRIPT>
Due to the nature of software development, information and content found on this website may not be representative of the current version(s).
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