RadioTraffic 101 - DeltaFlex

Edit 101



DeltaFlex Conversion

To assist you in the process of converting to, please provide us with the following documents.

Once we have these documents, we will attempt to process them into the Customers, Clocks and Balances Excel/CSV templates mentioned on the 101 document. In addition to the documents described on the 101 document, we are able to leverage the above reports to additionally migrate Agency information.

Any information we can obtain electronically from a report out of DeltaFlex saves you time and work because it can be electronically migrated into our system manual entry and, if you know Excel, you can leverage the 101 process to clean up the data easily before we import it into our system. Since you don't yet know, it's easier for you to assemble the information in software that you are already familiar with and let us bring it into our system once you're satisfied with the cleanup process. Experience has demonstrated that the new traffic startup process is often bogged down because stations want to clean out old sales people no longer at the station, fine-tune program clocks, promos and public services. That often involves people who have to provide info and make the decisions but who are not traffic managers and have no ongoing experience with traffic and billing. It speeds the process when that information is dealt with in the planning phase as described in the 101 document.


Detailed Account List

From the DeltaFlex Master Editor window, choose Accts Rec module.

On the DeltaFlex A/R Menu, select the Regular Reports option on the left hand side of the window which will display several reports on the right hand side of the window. Select the Detailed Account List and click the OK button.

On the Detailed Account List window, set the report date to today, number of copies to 1, level of detail to Full report, the optional extra title you can leave blank, set all tables to None and Agency handling to Yes and click the Print button.

On the Printer Select window, choose the Print to Disk option and click the OK button.

The following screen will allow you to specify where you want to save the file and the name of the associated file. Name the file something that can easily be identified and includes your call letters and the name of the report. For example KZZZDetailedAccountList.txt.


Location of Commercial Avails

From the DeltaFlex Master Editor window, select the Traffic module.

On the DeltaFlex Traffic Menu, choose the Regular Reports option on the left hand side of the window. From the reports listed on the right side of the window, select the Location of Commercial Avails and click the OK button.

On the Location of Commercial Avails window, set the report date to today, number of copies to 1, leave the optional extra title blank and for the Days to print option, select the All Seven of the Above option and click the Print button.

On the Printer Select window, select the Print to Disk option and click the OK button.

The following screen will allow you to specify where you want to save the file and the name of the associated file. Name the file something that can easily be identified and includes your call letters and the name of the report. For example KZZZLocationOfCommercialAvails.txt.


Consolidated Aged Receivables Export

From the DeltaFlex Master Editor window, select the CustomReports module.

On the DeltaFlex CustomReports Menu window, choose the Execute Report Template option on the left hand side of the window. From the list on the side of the window, select the Execute a report template item and click the OK button.

On the Select A Template window, select the Accounts Receivable Reports on the left hand side of the window followed by selecting the Consolidated Aged Receivables Report on the right hand side of the window and click the OK button.

On the Template: Consolidated Aging Export (for export to spreadsheet file) window, click the OK button.

On the Choose Stations window, select the station you want to export from the list and click on the Build New Data button.

On the Consolidated Aged Receivables Export window, click the Print button.

On the Enter Parameter Values window, select the Income Account field and set the Discrete Value to All table items should be included option and click the OK button.

On the resulting preview window (Consolidated Aged Receivables Export), click the export button on the toolbar (it is the envelope with and arrow pointing downward).

On the Export window, set the Format to Excel 8.0 (XLS), the Destination to Disk file and click the OK button.

The following screen will allow you to specify where you want to save the file and the name of the associated file. Name the file something that can easily be identified and includes your call letters and the name of the report. For example KZZZConsolidatedAgedReceivablesExport.xls.