RadioTraffic 101 - Introduction

Edit 101




Essentially this is the section to help get you up to speed as quickly as possible. In addition, it will provide you with the tools and forms to gather the necessary information we need to initialize your system in the most effective manner possible. To help you each step of the way, we do have short videos (approximately 2-5 minutes) and documentation at:

The First Phase will be the Planning Process where you gather the necessary information, then submit it to us and finally the installation of the software.

The Second Phase will be orienting you to the lay of land, so to speak. How to enter orders, new customers, and copy.

The Third Phase will be log editor and taking you through the scheduling of a log and actually exporting a log if you are using automation or just printing a log.

The Fourth Phase will be log reconciliation. Once the material (spots) has aired going through the log reconciliation process which generates the invoices, which facilitates the makegood process.

The Fifth Phase will then go into billing where you finalize the invoices and get them sent out.

The Sixth Phase will be working with statements, applying payments, adjustments and verify balances.

The Seventh Phase will go into the reporting capabilities.